"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules
Today’s recipe comes from Debbie Williams Aloe Shampoo. I decided to recreate a small version of this DIY Aloe Vera Shampoo for Natural Hair Growth and Moisture. It is a great DIY Shampoo for Dry Natural Hair and Damaged Natural Hair. Thanks @AskDebbieAboutHair
Castile Soap Peppermint Hemp:
Raw Honey:
Sweet Almond Oil:
Lavender Oil:
Smart Funnel:
Applicator Bottle:
Hair Clips:
3-in-1 Detangling Brush:
0:00 – Introduction
0:39 – Castile Soap
1:01 – Raw Honey
1:23 – Sweet Almond Oil
1:43 – Lavender Oil
1:56 – Aloe Vera
3:18 – How to Use Aloe Shampoo
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#NaturalHair #AloeVera #DiscoveringNatural
Hi everyone welcome to discovery natural Channel Okay so we're going to be creating an Aloe shampoo it's very moisturizing And guess what if you guys haven't Subscribed this would be a great time to Do so Today's recipe is coming from debbie Williams channel I have always wanted to try our recipes I watch our videos and i Love all the information she gives she's In the medical field so i was like why Not Try an expert's recipe [Music] So to make my own shampoo i'm not gonna Make as much as debbie made I'm gonna use four ounces of castile Soap She used eight ounces and for me I find this castile soap very very Cleansing Now i'm showing that i use two ounces of Castile soap But really i use four ounces of castile Soap i'm kind of making half the amount She made Because still soap does a great job of Cleansing your hair without stripping it I'm going to be also adding some honey In it I'm adding half a tablespoon of honey To this mixture and honey acts as an
Erector It adds to moisture it also adds to Make your hair soft condition your hair It's really good when you have this In your mixture of hair product i'm also Adding almond Oil to this i'm adding 1 8 cup Of almond oil and almond oil will give Shine to the hair And almond oil is really good in terms Of you know Giving your hair that luxurious feel That you want Also into this mix i will be adding Lavender oil So lavender all acts as a microbial it Also helps with dandruff lavender oils With Hair growth all these ingredients help With hair growth and i'm adding Half a tablespoon of lavender oil now I'm going to be using Aloe vera gel of the gel From the uh plant Yeah so we're going to cut up you know The side that we don't want i'm just Going to cut the sides and stuff And you all know this is a very good Emollient this is very good Mechanics aloe vera helps your hair grow It's very very good so i'm going to Scoop all that in And after i scoop it in i'll be able to Just get
Everything that i want in terms of the Inner feeling Of the aloe vera okay so Now we're gonna blend this aloe vera i Want to blend it as smooth As possible so that i don't have chunks Of aloe vera And in order not to have the aloe vera Pieces in my hair I'm going to also strain the aloe vera Before i add it into the mixture You can use aloe vera gel but i prefer To use natural Ingredients because the alvera gel also Contains other Ingredients in it that i don't want in My shampoo Now you might be wondering what about Preservatives i don't have to worry About preservatives in this Shampoo because the uh castile soap Already has preservatives and here i'm Showing you how much i made But in all for my hair i made about six Ounces Which will last me a while so this is my Hair it has been in this bun which i Secured with my snappy All the links to everything that i use Is in description area down below And yeah so i first start by rinsing my Hair with Water and warm water okay And then i section my hair into four
Parts Before using this shampoo you want to Shake it really good and you see it has That jelly consistency One thing i noticed when debbie williams Was doing Our own uh debbie williams aloe shampoo What i noticed was that our own didn't Foam up like mine So i don't know maybe the person that She used for You know model i had a lot of products In my hair before but my hair I i've been using a lot of natural Products so i think my hair Formed up better the form was outrageous It was so much that you know look at it This is just a little bit of the aloe Shampoo It was so much that i had to take it and Spread it on the other side of my hair And it was so easy to detangle my hair i Just love the sleep If you're looking for a shampoo with Great sleep This is what you want to get now if You're looking for castile soap and you Can't find it into In the area check my amazon shop Amazon.com Discovery natural and my hair felt so Good So soft so you can see i'm Left it in my hair for a while i kind of
Left it for like five minutes so that The Peppermint and the lavender and Everything will just Infuse into my hair and oh my goodness i Just love the way my hair felt so i Rinsed it and after rinsing it This is what my hair looked like my hair Was so clean it wasn't squeaky clean Like squish kick squeaky you know Clarifying but my it was so So clean and my scalp was clean I didn't have any flakes my scalp is Normally dry i usually have a dry scalp With a little bit of dandruff I didn't have any dandruff and if you Want to know what i've been doing to Cure myself of dandruff I have a mix that i've been using now You can click on that link it's my green Tea peppermint Mix raise i've been using it and it Works so well So that is the mixture if you guys love This don't forget to subscribe and also Please click like and feel free to share Thank you bye