BEST HOMEMADE ALOE VERA RECIPES Aloe vera gel is one of the cheapest beauty ingredients but it has a lot of benefits for skin and hair. Aloe vera leaves contain a lot of antioxidants and have an antibacterial effect. Aloe…
I Used Frozen Aloe Vera On My Skin For 5 Days & This Happened! | CaliCurls

So being that I’m doing the #aloeverachallenge for an entire year, I had to try it on my face for at least 5 consecutive days. I continued with my normal cleanser but I used the aloe as a moisturizer. Have…
I used Fresh Aloe Vera on My Face for A WEEK…This is what happened.

Rubbing Fresh Aloe Vera Gel on My Face For 7 Days STRAIGHT & THIS HAPPENED! You guys I am shocked with my results, my dryness and overall texture of my acne prone skin improved. At first, I was planning only…