What To Do With Aloe vera That Is Turning Brown Because of Root Rot

What To Do With Aloe vera That Is Turning Brown Because of Root Rot

I have posted a video before about Aloe vera leaves turning brown because of direct exposure from sunlight. This time, it’s about root rot and how to manage it. If you are new to this channel, please don’t forget to…

How To Save Sunburned Aloe vera

How To Save Sunburned Aloe vera

Moving Aloe Vera From Indoor To Outdoor With Full Sun Exposure and How To Save When It Get Sunburned. The video shows what will happen to the Aloe vera growing indoor for a while and move it outdoor with full…

How To Manage Aloe Vera With Leaves Turning Brown

How To Manage Aloe Vera With Leaves Turning Brown

One of the main reason why Aloe Vera leaves turn brown is because of excessive heat. But, the Aloe Genus which the Aloe Vera belongs, are native to tropical Southern Africa, Madagascar, Jordan, the Arabian Peninsula, and various islands in…

Early Signs That The Aloe Vera Plant Is Undergoing Stress or Rotting

Early Signs That The Aloe Vera Plant Is Undergoing Stress or Rotting

Welcome to The Aloe Vera Garden Channel. This channel is dedicated to this amazing plant, Aloe Vera. We will talk about planting, propagating, and taking good care of the Aloe Vera plant. Most of all, this channel will feature how…