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Hey what's up you guys this is Cali Girls welcome back to my channel you Guys already know if you guys seen a few Of my past videos I'm going through Postpartum shedding I've been trying Everything to help it as much as Possible if you're not subscribed please Go ahead press that subscribe button so Here goes what my shedding was from last Wash day which was a little over three Weeks almost a month so you can see that This is just this is crazy right this Was from the whole complete shedding This was when I was just starting the Aloe vera challenge and I used rice Water one time prior to this because you Know my hair is falling out and I wanted To try anything to stop it The rice water I left it fermented over 24 hours and it seemed like it was too Strong for my hair this is what today's Wash day it's compared to this one I Don't see much of a big difference I see A little bit of difference but I'm gonna Be honest with you guys I feel like the Only reason why there's a little bit of Difference is because maybe the Postpartum shedding is getting less and Less every time I wash my hair I don't know I cannot be a hundred Percent sure on that but here goes last Wash day all of this so much hair and Then here goes todays wash day now I did Something a little bit differently

Because I've been using aloe vera for The past like consistently on a daily Basis spraying it in my hair and then Using it as a pre-poo before I wash my Hair now this is the side that I used For just nothing in it so it was just Using aloe vera for the month and this Was on the right side of my hair that This is the shedding that came out this Is the side that I used when I put rice Water in my hair prior to detangling so I put some rice water in my hair I put a Conditioner on top of it let it sit for A while and start detangling now I Noticed a little bit less shedding from The rice water compared to not using Pretty much anything in it but I also Think I'm letting the conditioner sit in As well helps it out I see a little bit Of a difference not significant it did a Lot of research on postpartum shedding And it's basically all the hair that Didn't fall off in your pregnancy is Just coming out it's not you know the Hair that you've been hanging on just All that hair throughout your pregnancy When you didn't shed because during my Pregnancy I am not even blind you guys If I can pull it out like this would be The amount of shedding that I would have On it every single wash day besides the Fact that the hair is falling out I am Growing my edges back my edges are Coming back this was completely bald

Right here I do think the aloe vera is Helping I do think the rice water is Helping but it is not stopping anything Nothing is stopping this I think I am More careful and gentle with my hair Than I am with my three month old okay Like so this is like extra super gentle Like newborn baby gentle This is what I'm doing to just be is Nice and I'm not messing with my hair Throughout the week I'm just painting it Up keeping it out of the way trying not To touch it try not to do anything with It so that way you know it's not getting All messed up so I'm gonna still keep You guys updated I'm still gonna Continue using a libero I'm still going To continue to use rice water I used it For today so I probably won't use it Until next month I'll probably use it Once a month I honestly believe that my Curl pattern is changing as well I know Some women have told me that their curl Pattern has changed after giving birth This is not my curl pattern you guys Have any other recommendations for me I Am all ears I'm here to listen go ahead And drop them down in the comment Section below if you like this video go Ahead and give me a thumbs up don't Forget to subscribe and I will see you Guys in another one hopefully with not Just about of shedding the next time [Music]

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