"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
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This is an experiment on rooting Aloe vera cuttings in Aloe vera gel instead of water.
How To Make Aloe vera Cuttings Root Faster in Water:
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Daily Beetle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Well the aloe vera cuttings grow roots Faster in aloe vera gel than in Water after posting a few videos showing That aloe vera can grow roots in the Water someone requested that I use aloe Vera gel instead of using Water These were the aloe vera cuttings I used In this Experiment they were cut a week ago and They were starting to get dehydrated Because they were placed in a corner That gets the Morning Sun instead of using water I used aloe Vera gel here for rooting and hope for a Better result compared with pure Water I only placed enough gel to cover the Stem part similar to what I did when I Used water this is to prevent the plant From drowning I also replaced the gel Every 3 days because it smelled bad when The aloe vera gel got Spoiled after 3 weeks I noticed no Development they looked very much the Same on the day I placed them in the Gel as I have always thought aloe vera Is not a rooting hormone because it has That preservative effect that is Counteractive to propagation you can Find in my previous videos when I use The gel in other plants it just preserve The plant cuttings and no root Development
Happened I thought that but 3 weeks was More than enough to get Results so I put back the plants in the Plastic tub but I used water instead of Aloe vera Gel after only a week all of the aloe Vera cuting grow Roots if you notice There are only five plants in the tub Now instead of six because for the sake Of comparison I took one of the plants And place it in the bottle using a Different method of growing roots in the Water the plant in the bottle grow more Roots and The Roots were longer compared With the plants in the top if you want To know this method just check my Previous video I'll also place a link in The description box If you have a video request as long as It is about the aloe vera plant and it's Possible for me to do it I'll post a Video of your request I hope you learn Something this is Danny and thank you For Watching