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Today, I will be showing you how I do my wash day routine for Dry Natural Hair. I am using NaturAll Club Aloe + Avocado Sensitive Scalp Solution Deep Conditioner.
You can get this product from
Use discount code: NATURALLDISCOVER to get 10% off
The combination of Aloe and Avocado is great for the hair and also for the scalp. Aloe vera is great for making the hair smoother and shinier while avocado helps with moisture and hair repair.
The Naturall Aloe Avocado Deep conditioner does not contain any coconut oil
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FTC: This is a sponsored video by NaturAll Club. The opinion shared on this video are mine.
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We are a 4A 4B 4C Nigerian Natural Hair Naturalistas
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Everyone welcome to the channel and Thank you for joining me on my wash day Routine and my wife usually starts early In the morning I take off my bonnet to expose my hair To whatever it's asked to show me At this point my heels kind of dry due To the weather and so much more but I'm Gonna fix it I'm gonna fix it right now I will send a package by natural club And I've been so excited to use it so Opening it let's open it together There's a lot of interesting goodies in Here in here and the first thing that I See is two packages of they're a low Avocados sensitive scalp solution deep Conditioner and there's also a facial Mask I've never used this kind of mask Before Also there is a lip balm from Vaseline And some facial spray and also a little Ugly this is aloe vera juice and yeah And this cute little avocado keychain so We're gonna start using this or I will Start using it I'm excited because this Is gonna be a wonderful spa experience For me Before I start doing my hair I always Put it in sections working in sections Minimizes breakage and it allows you to Get your scalp well so the first thing I Do is I pre pull my hair And people just means pre shampoo this Is the point of time when I apply a
Conditioner any plain conditioner would Do I applied to my hair and I let it sit On my hair for about 20 minutes to 30 Minutes after pre-poo I will either Shampoo or co wash my hair I'll shampoo If I have a lot of product build-up or Co-wash if I don't So our first rinse my hair and then Apply a moisturizing shampoo to my hair And I'm gonna use my shampoo brush to Just remove any build-up from my scalp This feels very relaxing and then after That I rinse my hair And we move on to deep conditioning for My hair deep conditioning is an Important step today I'll be using the Natural raw aloe and avocado sensitive Scalp solution deep conditioner this Deep conditioner is packed full of Goodness it contains eight different Butters It also contains aloe vera which is good For shiny hair and smoothing your hair And avocado is great for moisture and it Helps repair your hair this product does Not contain any coconut oil and it is Good for people that have sensitive Scalp and it helps with detangling so You could use this before you shampoo as A detangler I can also use it as a deep Conditioner after shampooing the sleep Is amazing as you saw see this product Contains avocado aloe vera kabocha Butter which is good for moisture and
Nourishing dry hair Muru Muru border Tattoo Kumar Bora shea butter mango Butter babassu oil pressed axial oil and Tea tree oil which is great for dry Scalp the product is quite creamy and Even the scent of the pearl because I Know people are wondering what it smells Like it turns like a delicious fruity Scent kind of like a combination of Almond butter and oranges and pineapples It's really really nice and it feels Very well kind of creamy very nice on my Hair the sleep is amazing so this is Good for detangling if you're struggling With finding the right product to Detangle your hair so after I've applied It's true the length of my hair Especially concentrating on the ends of My hair I'm gonna twist up my hair and After twisting up my hair I'll walk on The other sections of my hair After trying to put up to my hair I will Be covering my hair with a plastic cap And I'll put on my face match that I got In the package and this is my first time Of using this kind of face mask so I Kind of looked silly with it but it Feels really nice and it feels kind of Cool on my face so I will be deep Conditioning my hair for 20 minutes and I used my head cap and when I remove the Face mask from my hair for my face oh my Goodness my face smells so nice and soft And I beside my fingers with it
Thoroughly and then I'm gonna use the Lip balm from Vaseline and apply that to My lips to make them soft and not dry Anymore and the last thing I'll do Before I remove my hot hat from my head Is I'm gonna spray my face with the Mixture that I got and this is from the Mario Badescu skincare and it makes my Face feel so fresh so this is what my Hair looks like my hair feels so soft oh My goodness it feels soft it feels like Fluff of clouds as I say so you can see What it looks like my curls are amazed My curls are like pop pop pop pop Popping all over the place and I just Would leave my hair like this I don't Want to raise it up I just wanna leave My hair like this but we have two rings So after racing my hair Pam this is what It looks like my hair feels wonderful It feels soft it feels amazing it feels As if I could just go and not do Anything anymore with my hair but of Course you know the next step is to Massage my scalp and also to moisturize So I just apply my all my ho ho Mahal my Jamaican Casto all my all these lovely Also my scalp and give my scalp a Thorough massage and by massaging your Scalp you kind of you know your activate Seed growth so take your time massages Culturally you know let yeah let all the Juices flow in there And of course don't forget about your
Edges here people so you put the Jamaican black castor oil I'm gonna put That on my edges and yeah so the last Thing I'll be doing is I'll be putting In my living conditioner and I just put In my living conditioner and twist up my Hair and I don't only style my hair Today that I wash my hair I start my Hair the following day but that's what I Do I just twisted my hair get everything Set I'm ready for me to do styling the Following day so once again I just want To thank natural club for sponsoring This video and they are also sponsoring A giveaway and so excited to share this With you so one of you guys are gonna Win a giveaway either on my youtube Channel or on my Instagram video so Please do check out our Instagram page Discovering natural details of this Giveaway will be in the description area Down below remember you have to be a Member of this channel so you have to Subscribe and this is going to end a Week after today check details in the Description area for more information to Try this product visit natural club comm And you can use my 10% discount code Information description area and yeah to Try out this wonderful product thank you So much for watching and I'll see in the Next video bye