"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules
So being that I’m doing the #aloeverachallenge for an entire year, I had to try it on my face for at least 5 consecutive days. I continued with my normal cleanser but I used the aloe as a moisturizer.
Have any of you tried aloe vera on your face? What were your results?
Thank you so much for watching, Love you guys!
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Hey what's up you guys this is Cali Girls welcome back to my channel this Video I'm showing you how I used frozen Aloe vera on my face for five Consecutive days morning and night so if You're interested stay tuned don't Forget to subscribe And we'll jump right into it so you're Going to need an aloe vera leaf I Purchased mine at my local food for less You can get yours at your whole food Store some people have been saying that They have them at Walmart as well and What I'm going to be doing is I'm going To be cut cutting these up into little Chunks and I'm going to also be using Vitamin E to apply on top of each chunky Pieces so of course you're going to need A knife in a storage bag so when you Store them they'll last about a week in The fridge without frozen frozen you can Keep in the fridge up to six months I do have an updated video on how I cut The aloe vera pieces just to save gel I Noticed that when I was cutting it this Way I was wasting a lot of the gel and This stuff is really good so I wanted to Save the extra pieces for my hair this Gel is very slimy very slippery so be Careful when you're cutting and it does Have a lot of benefits I know I've been Looking at a lot of YouTube videos a lot Of research a lot of articles on aloe Vera and heard about all these good
Things so I'm actually doing it out of Their challenge where I'm using aloe Vera for a year and in different ways For my nails my hair my skin and my body For everything so I you guys are more Than welcome to jump on that but I like I've said I'm using aloe vera I mean aloe vera and vitamin E to put on Top of the aloe vera pieces and then Just put that in the storage bag facing Up all facing up because I didn't want The vitamin E Thing up or slipping off of the plat now Once it's all put in there and have it All lined up so that way I could just Break into it and then for this one I Just store it up in a plastic wrap and Then that'll be good in the fridge for Up to a week but I'll be using that for My hair now it did take a couple hours To freeze but I'll use it morning and Night and the frozen pieces look like That I'm going to be using it on my lips My ashy lips I have active acne going on So we're gonna see what it does with That uneven irritated skin near my chain Cystic acne right there and then I don't Even know what's going on with this side Of the face I'm just getting marks out Of nowhere so day one first thing I Noticed is that it's cold you know I'm Not used to having that to my face Especially in the morning it is it does Wake you up but first thing I noticed is
That with the ice cube it drips water so I do have like a little towel to catch All the water pieces because I didn't Like that feeling now it did feel a Little itchy going on to my skin while It was drying but I did hear from people In comments saying that that's the way The aloe vera is getting rid of the Bacteria on your face so I just went Ahead and did that didn't feel any Burning sensation I know some people Were telling me they felt some burning Sensations I don't think that's normal And I don't think you should continue The use if you're do feeling any burning But like I said I used it morning and Night I left it on my face overnight and I left it on my face during the day Because majority of the time I'm at home Or I really don't care if I'm going in Public it didn't look horrible on my Face so I left it on morning and night All day long and did this consecutively For five days I did notice that I had a Glow dark circles underneath my eyes Weren't as bad and I mean this plant is Really cheap it's not you know expensive Like all these extra other products that I'll be using in my face routine and Then using ice on your skin does help to With glowing skin and then it does help Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and Then of course with acne now here goes a Comparison before you can see that the
Active acne is gone it was in five days And then all those little marks are just A lot better the cystic acne is still There but overall it looks kind of good To me because my results Okay so I have officially completed the Aloe vera challenge on my skin and here Goes my skin afterwards Okay I see you know I still have that Mark there now usually with cystic acne It'll stay there for months for me like Sometimes it'll be there for two months At a time But it looks a lot worse than what it Does now if I want to treat the acne so I mean with the whole aloe vera I Definitely saw a difference in my skin Especially you know using my regular Routine and not really changing anything Besides incorporating aloe vera on a Daily basis morning and night with the Whole ice cube thing going on and at First I wasn't seeing like a big Difference because I'm that type of Person that wants to see like major Results in a day but what salivary does Not do that I think it's going I'm going To have to use it for like 30 days you Know being consistent using it to see a Major difference but I did notice that My acne healed a lot better than it Would any other way that I've tried it Did calm my skin it did calm redness and Irritation I feel like in the mornings I
Just had a natural glow going on so Definitely with the whole night routine It worked but throughout the day you Know when you wake up in the morning Your skin looks flawless but then you go On throughout your day and by the end of The night you're just like oh that's how I felt so it did make a major difference It didn't like can't me glowing Throughout the entire day but it did I Did saw the difference and I liked what I saw I was getting compliments on my Skin as well even when I wasn't noticing That my skin was doing good so I guess Other people that usually don't tell me That my skin looks great Or telling me like well your skin looks Clear so I'm going to continue using Aloe vera my skin I'm going to probably Try different techniques as well I know Some people put in Frasor some people put in the fridge Some people blend it up and make ice Cubes and all this other stuff so I'm Going to definitely continue using it And being consistent and trying Different methods in different ways that I can use it on my face but it Definitely works I definitely give the Go always do test pad like test patches First before playing it because people Do have allergic reactions people have Been telling me like that you know their Skin feels like it's burning or it's
Turning red so you know stop using it if That is the case for you but for me it's Working I'm gonna continue to do it I'm Really excited about aloe vera so that Was it you guys I definitely give this To go you like this video please go Ahead and get me a thumbs up don't Forget to subscribe and I will see you Guys in another one [Music]