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This video demonstrates how to plant small and tiny Aloe vera without roots.
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In my hands are the tiniest aloe vera Pops that I tried to plant these pops Came from the plant that I appr froed And air Dried I was sending this plant to Someone throw maid so I had to remove The soil and air dry the roots to Prevent it from rotting Inside the Box the plant has three tiny pops Growing I knew that that they would just Die inside a box so I thought of Planting them Instead in case you notice that the Leaves have brown spots they are just Soil States not the black spots that Affect the leaves and the gel of the [Music] Plant these pops have not emerged out of The soil yet except for the one that has Already a little green on top of its Leaves I will be using this compost Soil it came from this side of the Compost I also started to put in grass Clippings and kitchen Scraps the other side of the compost is Already full and well be ready for use After a couple of Months if you have not subscribed to the Channel I would appreciate it very much If you click the Subscribe button so That you'll be notified when I upload New [Music]
Videos I did not water the plant I was Just misting the plant to cool down the Temperature because the weather is very Hot right now I also cover the plant With plastic to control the temperature And protect the plant from extreme [Music] Heat After 2 weeks two of the plants died the Remaining plant has grown and is now Greener compared with [Music] Before I will not be uprooting this Plant just to check its roots I will Just let it continue to grow I will post An update of this plant after a couple Of weeks or after a month depending on How it has grown I hope you learn Something this is Danny and thank you For [Music] Watching