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This video will show you how to plant Aloe vera leaf cuttings the right way.
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Aloe Vera Plant Care:
Aloe Vera Juices and Shakes:
Aloe Vera Skin Care Recipes:
Aloe Vera Dessert Recipes:
Aloe Species and Varieties:
Hi guys! Danny here. I am going to plant aloe vera leaves again But this time I will cut the leaves into halves and then plant both
the lower and upper part of the cut leaves I wanted to know if there are differences
between the cut leaf and whole Leaf of aloe vera When propagating and planting I also wanted to show what will happen to the other half, The upper part of the leaves, when it is planted
after the cut part has already dried or calloused This is to show to those who commented on
my Infamous leaf cutting video Who told me that the leaves did not grow because I did
it wrong And that I need two callous the cut leaf before planting I already showed in my previous videos That in order for the aloe vera leaves to propagate, you have to leave part of the stem or stem tissue on the leaf Then I cut the leaves and had them
dried in a shaded and well lighted area After more than a week the leaves are turning
yellowish and thin This is because they lost a lot of gel when I cut them Especially the upper part
because the gel flowed out on both ends And it took a while before the cut got healed Unlike whole leaves that showed pups and roots after more than a week Most of these cut leaves did not grow
pups and roots after almost two weeks Except for this one leaf that showed little pup and root I did not wait for the pups to show up because I didn’t want these leaves to turn yellow Or get totally dry before I could plant them So I planted the leaves even if most of them do not have roots or pups yet The usual thing that I do in planting leaves is I put stones to support the leaves While the leaves are growing roots to support themselves I just hoped that the rest of the leaves will
grow pups and roots in the next few days True enough, in just a matter of four days pups are
showing up on some of the leaves And I was hoping that pups will also show up on the
other leaves in the next few days While the upper part of the leaves have shown no pups But they are still good and no signs of rot happening After 12 days from the day they were planted, All of the lower leaves have pups and some have more than one pup
While the upper part leaves have shown no development at this time It looks like one of the leaves is starting to rot Or maybe it is just discoloration caused by the soil I just did not want to check and disturb the leaf One more week later, I thought leaves have grown enough roots to support themselves So I removed the stones But the roots of one of the leaves was too
shallow that after removing the stone it fell I checked the roots it was already very long
only that the soil is too soft and that the Roots grew sideways instead of going
down so I decided to put back the stone This result means that aloe
vera leaf can propagate even If they are cut as long as there is
a stem tissue attached to the leaf The upper part leaves didn’t grow pups They look the same after almost three weeks Starting from the day they were planted I checked the one leaf that I was so curious about And found out that it was really discoloration, not rotting So I decided to put it back For now, this result also means That you cannot propagate aloe vera leaf cutting without a stem tissue Even if the cut part of the leaf is already calloused I will keep these two pots for a while
and observe how fast these pups will grow And also observe if there will be changes
to the upper leaves in the next few weeks I hope you learned something
and thank you for watching