How To Make Aloe vera Grow Big Faster

This video shows how to make your Aloe vera grow faster with just one simple technique.

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Aloe Vera Plant Care:
Aloe Vera Juices and Shakes:
Aloe Vera Skin Care Recipes:
Aloe Vera Dessert Recipes:
Aloe Species and Varieties:

Hi guys, one of the questions I was asked a few   Times in this channel is about how 
to make Aloe vera grow faster. Aloe vera is a slow grower compared with other 
plants except of course other succulents and cacti   That grow very much slower than Aloe vera. But, there is a way to make the plant grow  faster Aside from giving the plants proper nutrients and sunlight, regular weeding and cutting away   Some of its leaves will make the plant grow faster than normal. I do this regularly in the garden and I notice 
the difference in growth compared with those   Plants with leaves I haven’t cut or pruned. These plants here were weeded and some of their  leaves were cut last month And look at them now, their leaves are ready to be cut again. These are the plants that I weed out 
and some of their leaves were cut away. And these are the leaves that removed. These are 
not just dried leaves, most of them are healthy   With considerable amount of gel already.
Even leaves that are much smaller than this   Have enough gel that you can use.
That is why, I said in my previous video   You can can start  that two months after you planted Aloe vera, 
you can make use of the plant already. Using its leaves and at the same time you are making you plant grow big faster.

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