"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules
Hey guys!! It’s been a MINUTE since I’ve done a DIY and what better way to start my diy’s back again starting with Aloe Vera!! Y’all know how much I love my Aloe, so stayed tuned for the ultimate deep hydration hair mask ever! Simple. Easy. Effective!
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Hey what's up you guys this is sierra Also known as cali curls welcome back to My channel So in this video i am doing a product Review and it's on Seven minerals aloe vera gel now you Guys already know how i feel about my Aloe vera I am obsessed i am in love aloe vera is The elite of Plants on my list so if you're Interested in seeing How i use this go ahead and subscribe And stay tuned and let's jump into it You guys already know how much i love Aloe vera it's just So great to use for my hair for my skin As a moisturizer all over my body um i Like to use the actual leaf itself where I'm peeling it extracting the gel from It And making my products whatever i'm Making as a diy And then i also like purchasing aloe Vera gel like this For those days when i don't have the Time or i'm just super busy and don't Want to clean up a mess This is great and i love that they do it For you They hand pick the aloe vera leaves they Peel them they extract them As soon as possible so that way they can Preserve
All the enzymes and vitamins and Minerals as well So this stuff is great it has 98.7 Organic ingredients it's alcohol free I haven't done a diy for a very long Time I know that i have not done it at all This year and i'm kind of upset about That because diys are Everything my hair flourishes when i use Diys And it's just great to just take a step Back from those products that have so Much ingredients in them When you're using raw organic products It's just It's great it's great for your hair it Gives your hair a break i'm doing a hair Mask that i haven't done in a very long Time that was one of my favorite hair Masks Doing as a diy and that's aloe vera And raw organic honey if you guys seen Previous videos of me using honey in my Hair I know it sounds crazy i know that it Can get some people ask if it gets Sticky It doesn't this stuff is amazing Especially if you have Low porosity hair very dry hair it's Just hard for your hair to retain Moisture This is great as well i don't have
Certain measurements that i do I just i just tried to Get a consistency that is going to stay And stick on my hair Now let's get this honey in here so Make sure if you're going to use honey In your hair Use raw organic honey do not go to the Store And use the little bear honey that you See the kroger Bear i used to do that and it's fake Honey it's not real so you're not Getting All the benefits that you get using raw Organic honey it's so Thick there you go And i'm just gonna mix it Okay so i have it right here It's filled up a little less than Halfway Runny thick i don't know I prom next time i probably will add a Little bit less Aloe vera gel so that way i can get a Thicker consistency You know already it's working Immediately Okay so i'm done applying the aloe vera Honey mask My neck is sticky but that's okay to get Myself Heat and i'm gonna leave it on for 30 Minutes
Okay i'm back it's been about 40 minutes Just because i got distracted so Hopefully my hair is cooled off because You don't want to directly Jump in the shower when your hair is Warm you could damage your hair that way So make sure your hair Is at room temperature before jumping in The shower Hair feels so nice and soft I gotta run my fingers through like Butter Okay so when my hair gets to room Temperature say about five minutes I'm gonna go ahead and rinse this out With Cold water and i'll be right back Okay so i'm back my hair is rinsed out Um a question that i get Um with this type of diy is do i shampoo The products out um i don't i just Rinse it out with cold water and i just It comes out my hair doesn't feel sticky Or anything it feels nice and soft And i loved that diy My hair definitely needs this at least Once a month there's no product in my Hair whatsoever I can honestly let my hair dry like this And i would be happy with it but I'm gonna do a chunky twist so i'm gonna Do a chunky twist with just one product Probably a cream or a butter And then i will come back and show you
Guys the results probably in two days Because you guys know how long It takes my hair to dry so i'll be back And i'll show you guys the final results Of what these two products did on my Wash day deep conditioning Okay here are my final results yes It's giving me 70s Afro i love it And it's super soft too And it looks really shiny just from off That diy Otherwise my hair would have been Looking quite dusty right now But isn't this cute i love it So that's it you guys i hope you enjoyed This video i will link all the Information Down below so that way you guys can have That and thanks for watching if you guys Like this video go ahead and give me a Thumbs up Don't forget to subscribe and i'll see You [Music] Do you guys