"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules

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This simple solution is being enjoyed by thousands of women and men across the country to “disappear” the dark cloud of stress and anxiety hanging over their heads.
John from shows you the best way to prepare and eat aloe vera so it tastes delicious. In this episode you will discover the best method to remove all potential anti-nutrients from the aloe so you can get the most healing benefits from the plant. John will also demonstrate how to make a delicious fruit smoothie drink using Aloe. Finally, John will interview Dr. Michael Haley about the benefits of consuming a special variety of Aloe Vera as well as reveal how to grow and water aloe and so much more.
Be sure to watch part 1 of this video at:
To get the special deal in this video, please go to:
Be sure to use the coupon code:
3PUPS to get the three for the price of ONE.
Also use the coupon code: GYG to save 15% off your total order.
(this coupon can be used on all Aloe1 products!)
Alright now we are going to show you guys
how to filet an Aloe Vera properly. Now I Have seen many people do it and before today
I wouldn’t do it the best way possible. I am glad to share with you guys the best
way to filet the Aloe so you guys don’t Get any of the green or the yellow sap, the
aloenin, that smells like B.O. and is a laxative So if you eat too much of that stuff it can
upset your stomach and it will not be good For you. What you do want to eat is the clear
gel on the inside. Furthermore what we are Going to do to ensure we get all that aloenin
off is we are actually going to soak the aloe In water after we cut it. We have 2 different
1 gallon pitchers of water to ensure that We don’t get any of that stuff on it. The
tools you will simply need are #1 a knife And #2 this is like a cake spreader thing,
so there is no sharp blade on here and this Is literally just going to separate the green
from the gel on the inside. First step is You are going to take your knife here and
just cut off the ends. So as you can see as Soon as we cut off one end it is instantly
going to start bleeding that yellow stuff. The next we’re going to do is just cut off
that second end. Next we are going to cut Off the spines on the edges. Also when we
do this do you see how it is flat on this Side and this side is curved up? We’re going
to want to cut off these spines, but at the Same time we are going to want to take the
blade kind of diagonally to cut off some of The green as well. So we are going to just
carefully, cutting away from myself, cut off All the spines at a diagonal. There we go
that how it looks once we do that. Now we’re Going to do the other side. Alright and as
you guys can see it is literally dripping This yellow ooze this is stuff you do not
want to consume. This is going to be bleeding For a while so what we are going to do is
just dunk it in our water and try to get it Fully submerged, I am going to cut it off
here so that it can be fully submerged and Dunk it in the water. What this is going to
do is get some of that yellow aloenin off And actually get it pulled out of the Aloe
Vera so that when we eat our filet we are Not getting any of that stuff. Many Aloe Vera
juice products and other products that are Made and sold in health food stores are not
prepared in this way and may have high aloenin Content which means you will not be able to
drink as much of it. In addition because a Lot of them are heat processed a lot of the
nutrients may be diminished. So I always encourage You guys to process all your foods out of
your garden at your home and eat the freshest Foods possible. There is literally no processing
in here, we are just cutting it off, soaking It in water probably for about 5 minutes.
While this one is soaking I am probably going To cut up a few more so I can have a super
bomb drink we are going to make in the Vitamix
Blender in just a few minutes. Alright so
I cut a few more Aloe, they have been sitting In there for just a little bit. Next I am
going to go ahead and show you guys how to Filet it. We are going to go ahead and do
a close up on the cutting board so you guys Can see the specific way to do it. Let’s
go ahead and take out the one that has been Soaking the longest here, we’ll let some
of the water drip off. And if you look as It here you should see very little of the
yellow aloenin on there. I am still seeing A little bit here so what I might want to
do is cut a little more off, or dunk it a Little more. Alright so it has been about
5 minutes so we are going to take this one Out here we are going to let some of the water
drain off. The yellow stuff has been oozing Out because Aloe kind of bleeds yellow, like
you bleed red. We got this guy out now so Let’s do the close up shot. We’ll show
you how to use this cake spatula thing to Filet the Aloe. So we are going to take our
little cake spatula thing and we’re going To take the Aloe here and you can see it is
curved up so we are going to push it all the Way flat against the cutting board here. We’re
going to take this and carefully slide it Right in between the green part and the clear
gel. You don’t even really have to use a Cutting motion I am basically just pulling
this along. Once again this doesn’t have A blade on it this is just really super easy
to pull along here. Keep this parallel with The cutting board pull it along and it comes
right out. As you can see here we did leave A little bit on here I could have cut it a
little closer . If I did this again I would Probably go back in there and try to pull
things along and get to at the exact bottom So I could have the most gel. This is the
most healing part of the Aloe here. So now We flip this piece over and we are going to
do the exact same thing, we’re going to Take the cake spatula spreader thing to the
bottom of the Aloe once again we’re going To get it right in there and just pull it
right along. Try to keep this parallel to The cutting board so we’re getting the maximum
amount of the Aloe gel out without getting Any of the green stuff. No green stuff allowed!
Alright so here we go this stuff is really Super slimy, check it out. We’ve got a nice
clear Aloe bit. Looks like I left a little Bit on there I was a bad boy, we’re going
to take the knife here and cut that little Bit off here. We don’t want any of that
stuff. Now once we’ve got this cut and it Has all this clear goo, we’re going to take
this other pitcher and just dunk this right In here to get off any of the residual yellow
coloring, the aloenin, which is the irritant Which is not good for us. So once again we
do not want to eat that stuff. Once we rinse This stuff off, go ahead and pull it out,
it is all ready to eat. Check it out this Stuff is so gooey, it’s going to go right
in the Vitamix and we’re going to blend
That bad boy up! Now we’re going to go ahead
and pull that second piece out . I want you Guys to take a look, I mean you guys saw what
this water looked like before I dropped these In there it mean it was totally clear. Afterwards
it is totally a yellow color. You know this Is the stuff you do not want to be eating,
that is why we are soaking it. Never before Have we learned this method of soaking and
actually double soaking. This is for the especial Germophobes like I am to make sure there is
no contamination of that yellow stuff. So You get the highest levels of the best nutrients
without the anti-nutrients. So we are going To go ahead and use the same technique on
this guy once again we are putting cake spatula Right down thru just ripping this right across
goes really simple and really easy this is Not really any cutting this is really nice
soft and gelatinous comes right thru, real Simple, and real easy. Go ahead and flip this
bad boy over were going to go ahead and do The back side by cutting thru the backside
real simple, real easy. I am definitely getting Better at it. Alright here you go one nice
Aloe. This is some ooey gooey stuff. Don’t Watch this if you are high it will trip you
out. Alright so we are going to go ahead and Dunk that guy in there. I’ve got one more
to do and then we are going to dump this stuff In the blender and I am going to have some
delicious Aloe Vera, sugarcane juice. I have Never had this before and I definitely can’t
wait. Alright we’re going to go ahead and Pull this last piece that was soaking out
and take it and transfer it over right in The blender. So we have a whole bunch of pieces
now of the Aloe Vera Miller Stockton variety That we are going to blend up. Now you could
blend this up plain and it would actually Taste very neutral now that you took all the
bitter components out. You can see we got A lot of it out in the first dunk, not so
much in the second, I’m sure we got a little Bit more out just to make sure that we got
it super clean and smooth. If you have ever Bought Aloe Vera juice in the store it has
a really watery taste because they literally Process it really hardcore with things like
diatomaceous earth and charcoal which in my Opinion may be pulling out a lot of the beneficial
nutrients plus it is heated to a high temperature. This way we are taking out all the bitter
components and leaving all the delicious good Stuff. The downside is that is going to be
a little bit thick. We are going to want to Reduce that down so what we are going to do
today is add one of my favorites, we’re Going to add some sugar cane juice. What they
do is they take sugar cane and run it through A juicer and you get sugar cane juice. I drank
most of this bottle, hopefully I have enough To blend up with my Aloe to make a delicious,
rich sugar cane Aloe Vera drink. I just can’t Wait. If you have never had sugar cane juice
you have to come to south Florida or any other Tropical area to try it. It is actually quite
good. It is better than drinking a soda because
You get that sweetness but it is mellowed
out by the stalk, the green or red of the Sugar cane because it is juiced with the stalk
and all. It has a nice kind of sugary but Kind of mild taste but not sugary like a soda.
If you want to take it up a notch you can Take the sugar cane juice and some sparkling
mineral water and a squeeze of lime. That Is delicious. Anyways this guy is ready to
blend up and I am actually quite thirsty after My hard day’s work. Start the blender on
low, one thing I recommend is not to over Blend it. You want to blend just enough to
get to the consistency desired. The longer You blend the less nutrition you are going
to have because with every revolution it is Causing further oxidation to your juice. Alright
hopefully that is blended up enough to mix All that stuff up. Let’s go ahead and pull
these guys off the blender here and see what We’ve got. This looks really nice and thick,
check out this consistency. Wow it is fairly Thick. I have juiced Aloe Vera before and
it is quick thick. Let’s see how it came Out with just the filet only no bitterness.
Wow to me that tastes just like watered down Sugar cane juice, no bitter, no astringent,
no weird flavor. It’s a bit frothy and just A little bit thick because it is gelatinous.
But some of the properties in the gelatinous Substance are the best for us. So I have to
clean up this mess here and then I want to Share with you guys the expert on Aloe Vera,
that is why he is growing all these Aloe Vera Plants here. He’s researched it and he has
learned that it is one of the most healing Plants in the world. In addition he has a
company that offers raw, unpasteurized, pulp Just like I have done today sent to you directly.
More importantly since I don’t want you Guys buying things in packages, bottles, and
jars and stuff I want you growing this at Home. So I have arranged with him to have
a special deal with you guys to buy some of The pups so that you guys can start growing
some of this special variety of Aloe Vera, The Miller Stockton in your own yard. Now
if you don’t have a yard, don’t worry You can still order delicious Aloe Vera juice
from him directly so you can derive all its Benefits. So next we’re going to go ahead
and talk to Dr. Mike, the expert on Aloe Vera. John: So now we are here with Dr. Michael
Haley and this guy let me tell you he knows A lot about Aloe. Hope you guys enjoyed checking
out his place and the demonstration I did With the Aloe. A lot of people are not aware
of the healing benefits of Aloe and why you Should include it, I think, on a regular basis.
So Dr. Mike who should someone regularly include Aloe in their life?
Dr. Haley: That is a great question John. The first thing I want to mention about that
is a lot of people know that Aloe is good On their skin. They know that if you put it
on your skin it will heal things faster. There Has been research done that shows that when
you put it on your skin things heal about
2x faster. Well I like to think of the skin
and the gut as one organ. So if you think About it they actually make patched of medicine
that you put on your skin (transdermal). So The skin will actually absorb things whether
it is essential oils, drugs, medications, Or whatever you are putting it goes into the
skin. Things also come out of your skin. It Is the same thing with your gut. You put food
in your body and it goes in your gut, technically It is not in your body yet it has to pass
through that wall to get into your blood stream. It works just like the skin things kind of
go back and forth through the gut wall. So I like to think of these as one organ. So
we know that Aloe heals the skin and it seems To do the same thing to the gut. I don’t
have the research done yet, but we know it Is working because that is why people are
drinking it. People have things like acid Reflux, irritable bowel disease, now you don’t
need these things to benefit from Aloe, but If it helping people with these conditions
how healthy can it be for your gut. We know It works on the skin and it seems to work
wonders on the gut and that is probably the Number one reason why people are drinking
Aloe Vera. John: Wow so it works for the skin and it
works for the gut I guess. Dr. Haley: Yea and that is just the beginning
of things. People talk about Aloe Vera for So many other things other than just gut conditions
whether it be crohn’s disease, irritable Bowel disease, or acid reflux. They are also
using it because it seems to lower and stabilize Blood sugar levels for people with elevated
blood sugar levels. Happens to be one of those Super foods that is beneficial for that. And
then there is another real neat thing about It is the immune system. Everyone wants a
better functioning immune system. We eat a Lot of fruits and vegetables and a lot of
things that are beneficial to our bodies so That our immune system can be at optimum levels.
Aloe actually has one particular nutrient In it called Acemannan and if you look up
Acemannan you will actually see that it will Raise your body’s tumor necrosis factor.
That is actually one of the benefits to your Immune system. Tumor necrosis factor, what
is that? Bid fancy word, tumor sounds a little Like cancer and necrosis is a fancy word that
means death to, so tumor necrosis or death To cancer factor, that factor in your body
that kills cancer cells. John: Naturally, because the Aloe doesn’t
do it, it just makes your body more efficient? Dr. Haley: It just has a nutrient in it that
causes your body to raise those tumor necrosis Factor levels. Everybody has cancer cells
in their body or mutated cells. So it is the Part of the immune system that is constantly
working to get rid of those bad cells in our Body and viruses of courses. The immune stimulant
properties are another reason why people drink Aloe Vera gel.
John: Wow. I mean that is amazing. I mean
It sounds like Aloe Vera can help with so
many things. After all Aloe Vera is a green Leafy vegetable and my channel is called growing
your greens because I want you guys to be Eating your greens every day! But don’t
eat the greens of Aloe as we learned a little Bit earlier, eat the inside gel. I am going
to be including it in my diet, as fast as I can grow it I am going to be eating it!
So Mike how did you find out about Aloe and Why are you so interested in it these days?
Dr. Haley: You know I am a chiropractor and I’m not a sailor, that is important because
my wife asked me to go sailing with her one Day and we got on this sailboat and it was
for a race. I am really kind of sailboat not Smart. So the captain said go ahead and pull
up the sails, so I start pulling up these Ropes and I get the sail all the way to the
top and I say, “Now what?” and he says, “Now what?! Lock it down!” By then it
was too late, the sail had filled up and the Rope started ripping through my hands. I’m
trying to hold onto it and figure out how This lock works and within the matter of about
a second both of my hands were melted shut. It was pretty bad and as a chiropractor my
hands are my living. I kind of didn’t know What to do. One of my patients was this guy,
Rodney Stockton, he had always been telling Me about his Aloe Vera gel and when he heard
what happened to my hands he said, “You Have to use this lotion on your hands.”
And I’m thinking, “Really? On bloody, Blistered, melted skin?” So I put it on
there and 3 days later I remember showing My wife and said, “Look at my hands, they
look better than they did before the burns.” And it was amazing to me, I was looking at
my hands thinking they look better. So if It can do this to your skin, what can it do
to your gut? And that is how I found out about Aloe and we started drinking it then. Not
because we had any sickness and we needed To feel better, but we just realized if it
does this much good on my skin then what can It do inside my body. And we already knew
people from Rodney that had been drinking It for serious health issues and gotten better
and it just made sense. John: Wow I mean that’s why I eat a diet
with leafy green vegetables, that is rich In fruits and vegetables and now I am going
to start including Aloe in my regular diet Because who knows what it does but if it makes
me healthier I’m all for it. So Mike Aloe Vera sounds like things “cure all” thing
like it will cure all you ails is that true? Dr. Haley: John it is funny that you ask that.
I will use it to get people’s attention That have serious health problems because,
believe it or not, what you put in your body, What you eat, can make a significant difference
in the way your body works. But just because It might make you feel better doesn’t make
it a “cure all.” We want you to make positive, Healthy dietary changes for the rest of your
life. You know it is not a magic bullet, it’s
Not a cure for cancer, it’s not a cure of
diabetes, though it might help with those Things but ultimately if you are someone who
has one of those conditions you need to make Some serious lifestyle changes. So we tell
people how to lead a healthy life by telling People not only what they should eat, but
also what they should avoid which can sometimes Can be more important sometimes. Is it a “cure
all?” it is pretty darn good. Got to change Some lives!
John: Once again you guys are doing one of The healthiest things, you guys could be doing
if you are already growing a garden and eating The food out of it. So speaking about growing
food, Dr. Mike actually sells those pups, So if you want some of the pups to grow, some
of the special Miller Stockton variety. The Variety that I drank in that smoothie earlier
that was so delicious! I can’t wait to make It again. He is going to offer them to you
guys at a very special price of 3 for the Price of 1 which is a super amazing deal so
you guys can start growing this stuff and Start eating this stuff as soon as possible.
So one of the questions that has come up is, “John, I have these pups now what do I do
with them?” So Dr. Mike what does somebody Do with the pups once they get them in the
mail, they come priority mail, get them really Quick, what do they do with them?
Dr. Haley: That depends where you live, where Do you live? Somewhere cold right? Is there
snow there? John: There’s no snow but it is definitely
freezing there outside. So I am glad to be Here in south Florida in the nice warm weather.
Dr. Haley: Aloe Vera does not do well in the Cold, it will do ok above freezing, but if
you drop below freezing it is as good as dead. So you may as well put it in a little pot
and grow it inside. You don’t need a deep Pot but Aloe tends to like a wide pot. And
then if you have a good place outdoors and You are in the warm weather feel free to stick
it in the ground if it is not going to freeze. It probably won’t do much until it gets
some nice tropical weather, come spring time These things just start growing like gangbusters.
One other thing when you put it in the ground Or put it in the pot, expect it to look a
little red and look like it is dying for the First month or so and in the winter a little
longer, but after that it just comes to life Beautifully. If you kill my Aloe plant it
is quite a feat because they are really quite Hearty.
John: I’ve had people email me before and Say, “John I killed an Aloe plant.” Well
that is probably because you over watered It. So how much water do these plants need?
What about the potting soil medium? Should They just use dirt out of the garden, sand,
potting soil from Home Depot or some other Big box store, or some organic potting soil,
some compost from their backyard with some Rock dust? What do they use Dr. Mike?
Dr. Haley: You know a lot of people think,
“I’m going to get the best organic soil
and that is going to be awesome.” Not necessarily, Aloe doesn’t like a lot of water and it
like to be able to drain. So if you have some Potting soil, go ahead and mix it with some
sandy soil. Florida soil does great and if You have some of that lime rock soil you get
lots of that mineral rich soil like they get In South Florida that stuff is great. If you
have something like Georgia clay or yea you Should definitely get some sand in the mix.
John: Ok, co how much should somebody water Aloe? Should I be like every day I love my
plants! I want to give them more water! Dr. Haley: It is easy to drown them and you
will see them start to turn black a little Bit under the leaves if they are getting too
much water, but if don’t give them enough Water you probably won’t kill them. They
have this gel inside and they will actually Drink from their own leaves. So you are actually
better off giving them less water and see How they do. Now if they start to look like
they are drying out and dying, then give them Some water. It’s easier to err on the side
of too little than too much. I had one that I neglected for probably about 6 months, didn’t
give it any water and it was in a pot underneath The lip so it didn’t get any rain and it
was outside here in Florida. And it started To look a little rough, and finally about
a week ago I gave it some water and within A day it went from this dried up looking to
thick beautiful green leaves, well hydrated. I was amazed at how fast it came back. You
are better off cautioning on less water rather Than more.
John: So it sounds like something everyone Should grow if they haven’t, it sounds really
easy to keep alive. You know like Dr. Mike Said you can grow it inside for now if you
are in a place that’s really cold in a little Pot, I grew Aloe in my bathroom for years.
So one thing you can do is grow it inside Until it warms up and then in the spring transplant
it outside, and then before it gets cold again Dig it up and bring it inside, separate out
the pups and have babies! And spread them Around, I want to spread some babies around.
Dr. Haley: Oh, I have to get this out there, When you are drinking the Aloe, vitamin content,
and mineral content, this is survival food, This is beautiful survival food. One thing
we need is hydration, you are getting plenty Of hydration, lots of electrolyte minerals,
lots of Amino Acids, it is an excellent food Source, and you can live on this stuff and
survive on this stuff. Grow your own Aloe! John: I know that Aloe is so good and if people
buy 3 or 6 plant starts honestly aren’t Going to have much Aloe to eat any time soon.
Right? How long will people have to wait if They order 3 or 6 pups to be able to drink
a decent amount of Aloe? Dr. Haley: If you go in the stores where they
have fruits and vegetables, you will see little Aloe leaves that are often times only 1 or
2 years old. I don’t recommend those to
Eat, there isn’t enough nutrients in them.
They really do best after about 5 years or So you are able to get a lot more gel out
of them. So it is probably going to be at Least 3 or 4 years before you want to start
to harvest them and 5 years would be optimal. Take off 3 leaves off at a time, you don’t
want to strip the whole thing down to nothing, Unless you have so many leaves you have let
it get really overgrown. In fact I think you Found one today that was really over grown
that we hadn’t pulled any leaves off in A while. We pulled probably a dozen leaves
off of it. But if you are consuming from that Plant regularly you are going to take 3 leaves
every 6 weeks or so. That is what you can Expect to get from a plant after about 4 or
5 years. John: So it is definitely going to take while
to get your production up, if you want to Start consuming it. Dr. Mike sells one of
the best Aloe Vera gels that is never heat Processed, it is completely raw and sold frozen.
What makes your gel different than some others On the market?
Dr. Haley: It is tremendously different, I Can say this comfortably, and confidently
without being arrogant I know we have the Best Aloe. It is just a matter of fact. It
is unprocessed, it is hand fileted, it is Run through a grinder it is put into the bottles
and it is frozen. That is what we do to it, We don’t heat it, and we don’t use things
like activated carbon or diatomaceous earth To filter out the green outer leaf. We have
a clean hand filet process, it is the whole Food nothing is taken out, and nothing is
added. And it is just being frozen. We have Tested it before freezing and after freezing
for the nutrient contents and it is practically The same Aloe after freezing. A lot of people
think that Aloe once it freezes it is bad, No! The plants die, but the gel is ok. The
best thing is right from the leaf, we have The next best thing, it’s been frozen, and
it’s shipped to your door. You can have Unlimited quantity that way so you don’t
have to wait for your plants to grow. Oh by The way, after about 2 years you start having
lots of babies, you can have a farm in just A few years.
John: Your own Aloe Vera farm! Ok Dr. Mike Thank you for sharing with us! Actually my
mom has been having some digestive issue stuff So I’m going to have to get some for her
and hopefully it helps her. Maybe I can get Her to start growing an Aloe Vera farm in
her front yard too. That would be really cool! Dr. Haley: You know if you make a shake like
you made today, with a few ingredients, I Don’t think you are going to have any problem
getting her to drink that Aloe, it is delicious. John: I could probably live off that it was
absolutely delicious! You guys should try It too, you have to get some Aloe and Sugar
Cane juice. So anyways Dr. Mike is going to Offer that amazing deal that is basically
3 babies for the price of 1 and I will put
That link below. This is an amazing deal,
you literally can’t even buy the unnamed Varieties of Aloe at the grocery store or
nursery for this cheap and you are going to Get the best quality that I have ever discovered.
In addition you can also use the 15% off coupon Code to get even a further discount for the
3 for 1 deal or use it on the regular gel That he offers if you want to try it as well.
So once again I will put the link down below The video with the code GYG for the 15% off
and I hope you enjoyed learning more about Aloe why I am going to start including it
and why it is another green leafy vegetable That I think should be included in their diet.
Once again I’m John from growingyourgreens.com And remember keep growing.