

"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules
I HONESTLY CANNOT BELIEVE the improvement in my hair in just this short period that I’ve started using this DIY #aloevera Leave -In Conditioner. You need to try it.
I don’t even know where to begin. Here’s to #extremehairgrowth for my #naturalhair. Can’t wait to see what else it does.
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– Fresh Aloe Vera
– 99.9% Aloe Vera Juice
– Marshmallow Root Powder
– Slippery Elm Bark Powder
– Vitamin E Oil
– MORNING ROUTINE | Self Isolation With a Toddler | Angelique | MOM VLOG
– HAIR UPDATE | My Hair Type, Porosity, Problem Areas and New Hair Challenge –
– Black Rice Water for Extreme Hair Growth
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IG: @angelique_ejembi
IG: @arroseofficial
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BLOG: www.chicstylecheck.com
[Music] Hi guys welcome to my channel it's a Girl Angelique welcome so to everybody Who is here for the first time thank you So much for stopping by and to everybody Who is returning at another time thank You guys so much for your support it Means the world to me now today's video I will be showing you guys how I made my Aloe vera hair mix from start to finish And also how I've used it to achieve This thing's twist balance so basically Aloe vera has tons tons tons and tons of Benefits and so this is the first time Of me using the tent version I have used A lot before but in the juice form and Also the gel form but this time I am Using the plant and just so as to not Compromise on the benefit you know what I mean you know to get the most out of It so yeah without delay let's get into The video [Music] First up we have our aloe vera plant Here I'm just showing you one leaf but For the whole thing I'll be using a Total of three leaves so here we have The leaf and I'm just gonna cut the end Bit because we don't need that okay So then I'll go ahead and divide my Ella Vera leaf in about three to four Portions depending on the size of your Leaf but this makes it easier for you to Work with it and then I'll go and
Proceed to cutting the side bit you know Despite the spiky prickly bits because We don't need that either okay and then I'll take the flat edge or the flat side And start peeling from the flat side and When I finish the flat side I'll then go Ahead to the curved side and then peel That off as well okay we're trying to Get as much of the skin off as possible Because we do not need that okay aloe Vera contains enzymes which repair dead Skin cells on the scalp it also acts as A great conditioner and leaves your hair All smooth and shiny The promotes hair growth prevents Itching on the scalp reduces dandruff And conditions your hair and this is Just apart from all the other benefits That aloe vera has for your skin and you Know general well-being because can also Be ingested now you'll have to be extra Careful working with aloe vera because It can be quite slippery and gooey and All that so yeah just keep that in mind As you do all the cutting all the Peeling and so on and so forth So here I finished peeling all my aloe Vera pieces and now I am going to Proceed to I think is one of the most Important steps what you add in and this Is what's gonna make it or break it okay Yeah Let's talk about these two things Slippery elm bark powder and also my
Marshmallow root so marshmallow root Extract is a popular ingredient in many Hair conditioners with it's amazing Slippery texture for easy detangling as Well as softening the hair it is high in Plant protein that promotes healthy hair Growth and shine while also serving dry Scalp and information right now I am Just adding about a teaspoon amount of Both and then with the slippery elm it Treats dull hair the fatty acids Polyphenols and other essential Nutrients present in the Elm help in the Treatment of dry and dull hair the Elm Makes them smoother and shinier that's Adding to the volume of your hair it Also removes dandruff and treat damaged Strands guys isn't that wonderful and The other added benefit is these two Things these two products just add a lot Of slip to this living conditioner Making it easier to manipulate the hair And the last thing that I am going to Add right now is my aloe vera juice this Is 99.9 percent aloe vera juice I don't Know why you can't get 100 percent but Anyways we're not complaining so this is Just for that added benefit because I Don't want to use water I mean you can Use water if you wish it's not really Gonna change anything but just for that Added benefit you know that added boost I am adding aloe vera juice and now I am Just taking these away to blend
Everything together until everything is Smooth and there are no lumps or bumps Left and now I am taking my glass you Can use anything but I'm just using a Glass big enough to fit everything in And then of course my stocking leg you Can use a strainer your choice whatever Rocks your boat but I find that the Stocking leg Perfectly and it doesn't leave as much Stuff behind as the strain that does so I'm just cutting a clean guys I repeat The clean okay brand-new for that fact I'm just cutting the leg off and then I'll place it over my glass and I'll Start the straining process and this Part is the most important part of this Whole you know making process because if You see what's get what gets taken out You'll be shocked and you definitely do Not want that left in your hair so now We'll start the field filtering process By placing the product into my my Stocking legs and placing everything and Then I'll start straining by squeezing Out the juice or the stocking gently if You do it too hard you'll just see your Stocking burst so I'm going to do this a Number of four times because guys if you See what gets taken out you will be Shocked You think it's smooth but yeah no it's Not and you don't want that left in your Hair because that's just gonna cause
Dandruff it's gonna make your scalp itch And it's you know it just you don't want This in your hair yeah guys just take a Look at it look at this look at that Guys this is nasty and you don't you Don't want this in your hair you don't Want it left in your hair anyways off to The second filtering part let's do these Guys and remember we're doing this four Times or more if you wish but four times Was enough for me [Music] [Music] After taking all that stuff out the last Thing that we add to our mixture is Vitamin E oil when applied topically to Your hair there are several reported Benefits of using vitamin E oil it can Stimulate capillary growth in your scalp Which in turn supports hair growth it Prevents breakage and pesky split ends It's antioxidants even boost hair your Hairs elasticity and shine after adding Just a small amount we'll just mix Everything together and then place Everything the whole mixture into your Bottle of choice of course and then Everything will be ready for use okay This has been a really simple and easy Process and I hope it's been easy to Understand as well and now let me show You guys how I use this amazing mixture I call it the miracle mix it's such an Amazing living conditioner and you guys
Should really really really try it out [Music] Okay let's get started so this is a Current state of my hand As you can see it's a little bit dry I Purposely left it dry for the purpose of This video I want so that I can show you Guys just how effective this mixture is And yeah hopefully think I did you guys Also try it anyways let's get started Um so I measured my hair on through this T-shirt that I am wearing let me show You guys so this is I'm using a Permanent marker I measured this as the Front of the hair this is the front of My hair this is the side of my hair and Then this is the back so trying after Measuring with my measuring tape I Measured the front to be 14 inches the Side to be 14 inches in the back to be 14 inches but let me show you guys also This t-shirt method so come back in the Month time hopefully this time next Month today is the 3rd of May Sunday the 3rd of Maine okay so we'll come back Around this time next month and to show You guys the progress of my hair whether It's gonna help ya with its role and by How much So let's get that done ok so this is the Front of my hair and I'll just show you Guys when stretching it downwards to my T-shirt so that's the front of the hair Over there yeah
Now onto the side of my hair when I Stretch it downwards can you see that so Okay so that's that so it measures there So that's 14 inches the front is also 14 Inches and now to the back Off my hair and I'll hold it downwards You guys say that so it measures around There like unto my t-shirt you fails to Measure it backwards I'm not sure how That would work because I won't have Eyes at the back of my head but let's See if we can try We'll take a marker and among that as Well So I'm just gonna pop my hair with my Fingers no need to use a comb at this Point okay because things don't have to Be perfect and also trying to be Cautious not to over and nip you let Your hair so fingers heart and then I'll Do another part to fight the hair ain't You and I will take this mix and apply It straight on to the hair okay Feels a bit We'll give it a few squirts and then We'll use our fingers or just stop Massaging the product into got here okay Make sure that you get the product well Spread out you know through your roots As well so every part of the benefits From this so I'm just gonna take my Tender brush you can use a tendon brush Or any detailing brush of your choice [Music]
[Music] So now I'm just gonna take my oil sprays Into my fingers I have some of my oil on My fingers and I'm just going to coat That to seal it all the moisture okay Get into your scalp Gently massage the hair as well again um Massage their hair as much as you can And then I'll put that up into a braid Okay [Music] [Music] Can you see the difference already like This hair so much more shinier and feels And looks more hydrated that's that and Then you just repeat the same thing for The rest of the hair [Music] [Music] [Music] Okay so I have just finished braiding my Twist and this is how it looks like as You can see the hair is so much more Bouncy and I'll just let this two edge Rise overnight as well and also if you Guys checked out my lost hair update Video I complained about my edges so Hopefully I believe that this aloe vera Mixture is going to do wonders when I Here because I've seen so many reviews On using aloe vera for hair and also Growing edges so this is going to do a Lot of good for me and I am so excited To see what it does to my hair and I
Hope you guys try it already I can feel Such a difference with her hair that is Really um as you can see like it's so Much more soft and ever since I started Using aloe vera in general for my hair I've seen that my hair has gone a lot Darker and also the volume has increased Drastically so this is just one week of Using aloe vera But for this mixture this is the first I'm using a mixture and I cannot wait to See what it does to my hair and I'll Keep you guys updated one more thing Before I go so I'm just gonna take my You know I don't have a proper scalp Massagers I'm just using my detangling Brush to massage my hair I mean my scalp You know just to get the blood flow and Get all that blood to circulate the Weight shoot to promote the hair growth Guys this feels so good if you don't Have this a scalp massager or a Detangling brush you can also use your Fingers your fingers work perfectly I Mean this like if you do this at least For two minutes once a day maybe before Sleeping or something it helps a lot Like I've tried massage in my scalp Every day for two minutes and it has Helped a lot and in those periods way I Massage my scalp in those periods were Massage my scalp I was able to see so Much hair growth so much improvement in My hair this is how much here I lost
Sorry it's got product on it this is how Much hair I lost I usually lose like Three four times this amount and let's Say this I am so happy I not only use my Fingers but I also used a brush this is Yes this is how much of the product I Used the aim is to come back in two days Time and reuse the product but I'll also Be using this on a daily Bases on my edges but for the rest of The head I'll be revisiting this in About two days time so yeah I'm so happy With the result because my ear is Feeling really good like it's really Really soft this is hopefully like this Side it's going to dry up completely and It's not going to leave any residue yeah [Music] [Music] That's it for me and please be sure to Give this video a thumbs up like it so That it can help others as well and Others will have the opportunity to view It please let me know what you think in The comment section below if you have Tried a lot Marilee if you are looking At trying aloe vera and also the Benefits that you've seen or the Benefits you hope to see but anyways That's it from me please like this video Comment and also subscribe to this Channel let us grow together Because the more I grow the more Encouraged I feel to bring out more
Content that I feel be more helpful to You guys and also a view through your Natural hair journey but that's it from Me guys see you next time bye You