"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules
UNBELIEVABLE RESULTS IN JUST WEEKS – THIS IS NO JOKE. I’m seeing amazing results with this #supergrowthoil and I think you should all try it.
I used my favourite #aloevera and this time, my #avacadoseed to make this amazing oil.
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– Fresh Aloe Vera
– Avocado See
– Olive Oil
– Coconut Oil
– Rooibos Tea
– Rosehip & Hibiscus Tea
– Green Tea
– Peppermint Tea
– Marshmallow Root Powder
– Slippery Elm Bark Powder
– Eucalyptus Oil
– HOMEMADE SUPER GROWTH TEA LEAVE-IN – Leaves My Hair So Moisturized Y’all Are Missing Out
– ALOE VERA & SUPER HAIR GROWTH TEA RINSE PRE POO | Washing My Hair After 1 Month ? Shocking Results
– HAIR UPDATE | My Hair Type, Porosity, Problem Areas and New Hair Challenge –
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IG: @angelique_ejembi
IG: @arroseofficial (Business – Natural Hair Products)
HAIR PRODUCTS: www.arroseofficial.com
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BLOG: www.chicstylecheck.com
[Music] What's up my people it's a girl Angelique welcome to another video this Is my super growth oil made with aloe Vera avocado seed and of course a bunch Of other things and so a lot of you Showed interest in my previous videos You y'all wanted me to show you guys Exactly how I made this oil so here we Are and here we're starting out with Aloe vera of course I'll just speed up The process a little bit but you guys Will be able to see exactly what I am Doing so I just cut out the bit that I Did not need and then cutting out and Cutting the hella vera in smaller bits Guys please excuse my knife skills I am NOT a pro but hey we get the work done Right so ho yeah so aloe vera is a Soothing humectant that is deeply Hydrating and has anti-inflammatory Properties it increases the hairs Moisture levels which in turn helped Retain growth which is what we all want Anyways it also prevents brittle hair Brittle locks which are prone to Breakage [Music] Avocado seed has amazing amazing amazing Antioxidant properties also has Antibacterial effect if you have oily Hair avocado seed is definitely for you It helps combat oil like the oiliness in Your hair and also avocados it can help
Relax blood vessels which helps to Reduce blood pressure a risk which is a Key risk factor for heart disease and This is just a few of the benefits that This contains guys as you can see I was Really battling with trying to break the Seed and I couldn't so I couldn't be Bothered I went ahead and found my Mortar and pestle and just you know Crushed it and they made my job a whole Lot easier as you can see [Music] Olive oil does contain proteins Antioxidant and antimicrobial agents That help contribute to healthy hair all The time treating your hair with olive Oil will work to strengthen your hair Follicles increasing the lifespan of Each hair strand and help retain growth And length guys as you can see I am not Really measuring anything this is pretty Pretty much up to you I'm just Eyeballing and seeing how much I will Need I'm not making a large amount Because I already have some oil left Over from the previous batch that I made And I'm just making this one to show you Guys how I make my oil which yeah will Help you know retain length and help Moisturize your hair and all that so on And so forth so here we are I've just Placed my oil on my burner on low heat And in total I'll cook it up for about Five minutes but I'm just starting in
Like studying by cooking it in one Minute spaces is that how you say it but You guys know what I mean but anyways This is out after two minutes and I just Got out my measure you know the one that I used to mesh my potatoes with so I'm Just mashing down the the ingredients Which is the avocado and the aloe vera And as you can see pretty much after two Minutes they've both softened up and I'm Just using this thing to crush it to get More of the nutrients and all the Goodness out here I'm just using a Mandarine well the peel of the skin of a Meandering mandarins and oranges have Amazing impacts and Properties which help fight pollution Hence they protect your hair by Conditioning them they have they add Some shine and bounce you can topically Apply Mandarin juice or orange juice to Your hair and rinse it out thoroughly Thereafter instant shine and bounce will Be visible in your hair and this the Same applies to the skin as well and as You can see right now I'm just using the Skin of the peel of one mandarine and You can use oranges as well the same Thing applies [Music] Rooibos he helps prevent hair loss as Its active ingredients help remove dead Skin cells that block hair follicles and Prevent hair from growing ribose
Contains minerals such as zinc calcium Copper potassium which I essential for Hair growth polyphenols which are Antioxidants contained in ribose Promotes shiny and soft hair The rosehip in this tea will help repair Damaged hair renew damage sculpt issue And moisturize my hair and that hibiscus Is rich in vitamin C and amino acids the Flower improves the blood circulation Under the scalp to stimulate healthy Hair growth green tea helps in improving The texture of hair as well as prevent From hair loss it also helps in fighting The dryness and dandruff on the scalp Caused by other chemicals [Music] Peppermint tea helps regulate scalp oil Production as an estrogen tease in General can balance pH levels on your Scalp and also balance oil production as Is the case for this peppermint tea but Peppermint tea in general helps fight Dandruff so if you have issues with Dandruff and I recommend you use or you Add peppermint tea to your hair regimen Marshmallow root powder also has low Concentrations of ceramide precursors And natural hydrator which helps with Repairing the skin barrier and for him You cyllage binds to the proteins of the Hair to make strength look thicker and Guys if you haven't tried this or added This your wash days I totally recommend
Slippery elm bark powder is quite rich In calcium which is essential for Straight strengthening the hair the Presence of amino acids encourage the Growth of strong and healthy hair it is Also responsible for the creation of red Blood cells which helps in the delivery Of required nutrients to the hair Coconut oil stimulates hair growth Getting deep into its follicles coconut Oil promotes the scalp health fighting Against such problems as insect bite Lice and dandruff coconut oil Moisturizes dry hair coconut oil add Luster shine and softness to your hair Right now I am going to use a double Boiler method which is to place hot Water in a separate pot and then I'm Going to place my bowl of oil and Ingredients over the top so that it can Heat up more and also help all the Ingredients all the ingredients release All the goodness into the oil so that we Can make the most of this and I'm going To keep this over the pot for about five Minutes and then I'll let it cool off And then I'll place my mixture of oils And everything into a jar and then I'll Be back to show you guys the final step [Music] [Music] Guys we are pretty much finished so now The final step is to add a stimulant oil Of choice and right now I am using
Eucalyptus oil so this oil is known to Stimulate hair growth because of its Natural nourishing properties that can Help soothe and calm the sculpt so that Healthy looking hair can shine through There of course other benefits to using A stimulant oil it is to also activate My you know hair follicles You know when I'm massaging and feeling Oh good good and all that but yeah you Do some research and pick an oil of Choice and it will be just fine you get The same benefits but anyways guys this Is the end result I am going to keep This actually it's ready to use right Now but I'm going to keep this with all The stuff at the bottom until the oil is Finished and I'll just be using like a Dropper or something to collect the oil As I need it but this is a this is my Old guys as you asked for it here it is I hope you guys enjoyed this video if You liked it please be sure to give it a Thumbs up and let me know what you think In the comments below and subscribe and I hope to see you guys in my next video Bye [Music]