

"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules

“STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ANTI-DEPRESSANTS… To get the FACTS on exactly how to get rid of depression 100% naturally and eliminate your feelings of sadness and hopelessness without spending your hard-earned time and money on drugs…”
This simple solution is being enjoyed by thousands of women and men across the country to “disappear” the dark cloud of stress and anxiety hanging over their heads.
Studies have shown that Aloe Vera can help people who suffer from various digestive health problems. Many of the foods we eat cause ailments like heartburn, acid reflux and inflammation, and Aloe Vera’s alkalizing properties help to counteract acidity and restore our digestive system’s pH balance.
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[Music] So i want to welcome everyone and thank You for tuning in to my channel today I’m going to talk about A very important plant The old aloe vera plant as you can see Right here This old aloe vera plant is everywhere Around the world but this has miraculous Healing medicinal properties yes it does And we will go back to this a little bit Later But i first want to say that It is a major epidemic out there when it Comes down to gastritis Acid reflux heartburn it’s a very Painful problem why because i’ve been There i know what it’s like And i’ve been to gastroenterologists and What do they do they want to put young Proton pump inhibitors like the prilosec Or the prevacid they want to put you in H2 blockers uh all those kind of things To help stop the acid of the stomach But what i realized Uh by not having acid in the stomach Never helped my gastric reflux because Of the fact that you are low on acid When you’re low on acid The lower sphincter Okay the lower esophageal sphincter that Sits right on the lower esophagus Right where it meets the stomach that Sphincter is supposed to be nice and
Tight it keeps the stomach from coming Up This way okay So when the acid is low This sphincter becomes looser when the Acids high The sphincter becomes tighter so that’s Why when people are on acid blockers or Proton pump inhibitors even though their Pain is going away their symptoms are Going away but their condition never Goes away they like to keep you on Forever so i will tell you that This right here Healed me And i’ve been through all kinds of Different remedies but i can tell you Right now that for all digestive issues I don’t really care what it is Acid reflux heartburn ibs gastritis Colitis Crohn’s disease anything to do with the Gastrointestinal system as well as the Esophagus This baby can do wonders for you and i Promise you I’ve put in hundreds and hundreds and Hundreds if not thousands of people on Aloe vera and they have done wonderful But you still have to eat correctly And you must cut out those sugars those Acidic Toxic inflammatory substances So let me just go over a few things just
To make sure i cover everything with you All right now there is one thing i want To mention about the plant that when you First cut open the plant at the edge Here when you cut it open You may get some yellow sap starts to Aloe it starts to come out it’s called Allowing this yellow sap that drains out Is not toxic But is a very very bitter taste so i Advise you to let all the yellowness Come out so if you’re cutting your aloe Leaf make sure that yellow stuff comes Out it will not hurt you but It will cause Your intestines to go haywire it was a Laxative that would just kind of go Right through you the one thing about Aloe vera Is it is a laxative a natural laxative And it’s great that if you are Constipated this can do wonders for you Better than anything in the world it Will hydrate you it’s got so many Minerals vitamins and has major Anti-inflammatory properties for but Forget about the point that what this Does which we know for our skin for our Wrinkles helps build collagen helps Tighten the pores um it’s great it will For pre-diabetes insulin resistance Diabetes lowers insulin levels it can Lower blood pressure it helps balance Out hormones this is off the top of my
Mind now And it can heal many many things Especially when it comes to detoxifying The body remember we’re so toxic with Everything that we breathe in and what We’re eating it makes so much sense that If we can keep our body detoxified how Much better our organs our tissues our Glands and everything is going to work As well as our hormones so let me Reverse this because i was going to show You this a little later but while you See this plant what i did when you have The aloe leaf you want to cut off cut Off the edges of this when you cut off The edges of this I cut a chunk off so big i’m gonna bring The chunk to you right now So here’s the other part of it It’s a little slimy Okay so just bear with me one second ah My goodness So here is the other side of it And it’s slimy So when i cut that off what i did is i Took a knife and i cut right through it So if we turn it upside down like this The inside Of the aloe right here Look how beautiful that thing looks That is very very healthy for you eat That baby straight up now there’s a few Ways you can do it you can take a knife You can take it off that way or you
Could take a spoon and you could just Peel it right off it’s good to take About one tablespoon to a tablespoon and A half an empty stock about 15 minutes Before you eat But if you’re having symptoms Do it first thing in the morning before You eat and i would do it again even two Or three times Okay depending upon your condition they Say in the morning and in the evening But i use this three times a day when i Had my problems and now i just use it as A palliative once a day and sometimes I’ll skip days but it is unbelievable When i tell you no you think that’s just Going to help your ulcers your gastric Reflux it’s going to give you energy It’s hydrating it’s healthy it’s got a Lot of great natural nutrients in there And actually will actually help boost Immunity it’s great as i said for your Hormones it’s excellent for your skin Which i’m going to go into another Program and it does flush out those Toxins But For our purpose when it comes to Digestive disorders I am telling you that there is nothing In here that’s going to give you any Negative Side effects Now as don h says okay hold on a second
As don h says many people say it tastes Terrible you know what it does taste a Little bitter so that takes us to our Next step what do you do you can mix it In with a healthy juice with fiber you Can blend it up in a smoothie throw it In with a little bit of berries Strawberry raspberry blueberry Blackberries take a little almond milk Put a little chia seed in there maybe a Little half a banana in there you can Put a little cacao if you like be you Know be use your imagination you won’t Taste it i promise you so you can mix it With smoothies when we say eat an empty Stomach it’s still okay to have it with Fruits it’s okay it’s not going to hurt You but empty stomach is good initially But if you can’t put it down then you Take it with something else now the Easiest way to do it that i like to do It is you can take it mix it up put it In the glass add some water Add some lemon Okay you want to put a little honey in There do it that way sweeten it up a Little bit that’s just as good but it is Better to use on an empty stomach but You will still get great results Particularly in a smoothie if you don’t Have acid reflux if you don’t have Heartburn if you have any other issues It’s still going to help you in so many Other ways which we’ll save for another
Video this has amazing antioxidant Antimicrobial properties it will fight Bacteria it will fight viruses it will Fight um Conditions like uh uh Top of my mind but it is amazing Anti-microbial has a Fungus and different issues but uh this Is something that really can really help You tremendously and don’t ignore it by The way will you get this you know where I got this guys if you live in the u.s Walmart loaded with this stuff or your Local grocery store your asian grocery Store uh your vegetable market they Should all have this this is a great Thing and it’s that healthy and so under Utilized But it is something that can really do Extremely uh have so many good benefits So when it comes to digestive problems i Don’t really care what kind of digestive Problem you have it’s healthy it coats You it heals it’s an anti-inflammatory So if you think about this Gastritis Colitis Any type of itis what does that mean Inflammation This right here has the most powerful Anti-inflammatory medicinal healing Properties about from any plant you’ll Ever get in your body This is as good if not better than
Turmeric when it comes to reducing Inflammation this is amazing So when it comes to your your intestines When it comes to your stomach when it Comes to your esophagus please don’t Ignore this and one very important thing I want to end up with okay This is one of the probably one of the Best prebiotics you’ll put in your your System now what is a prebiotic a Prebiotic is something that’s going to Feed your probiotic this is going to Help your intestine your microbiome is Going to help flourish it’s going to Actually grow with good bacteria and That’s going to help your immune system It’s going to help your hormones it’s Going to help your thinking of your Brain it’s going to give you lots of Energy it’s going to help your Cardiovascular system it’s going to help Your not only your digestive system it’s Going to help your insulin and your Glucose absorption because it all starts From the gut everything starts from the Gut so Just want to let you know This can do wonders for you It helped me and i was on i was on the Proton pump inhibitors a long time With several different Gastroenterologists and they did nothing For me but take this medicine it’s okay People take it the rest of their life
They told me it’s not a problem that Once you take it it’s not a problem but Guess what before we end this program People who are on proton pump inhibitors H2 blockers you’re blocking acid without Acid you can’t digest protein correctly You’re going to potentially potentially Get a leaky gut you’re going to have Indigestion you’re going to have gas Because you’re not digesting those Proteins into amino acids And Your Calcium Not talking about i’m talking about your Basic calcium It’s not going to get assimilated into The bone into the bones because you need Acid to help that get into the bones and Without proper acid You’re not only going to get Osteoporosis or osteopenia But you potentially are going to get More bacterial problems like h pylori in The stomach but the good thing About This this can help age pylori there are Studies out there i’m not telling anyone To treat yourself with For your h pylori i always recommend to See your doctors But if i had h pylori you bet i’d be on This because you can do the research And it’s out there i hope you enjoyed
This program I know You’re gonna be happy and i know Hopefully you’re gonna leave some good Comments below Anyways make it a great day i’m dr alan Mandel [Music] You