BEST ALOE VERA USES for Hair and Skin

Aloe Vera has so many benefits for hair and skin. In this video, I share with you how to use aloe vera in your natural hair and even how to use aloe vera gel and how to use aloe vera juice and even how to use aloe vera oil in hair.

Benefits of Aloe Vera can be seen in this video:

How to make aloe vera conditioner:

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Hi everyone welcome to discovery natural And I hope you guys are having a Wonderful day if you're not subscribe to Our China what are you waiting for click That subscribe button down below because We bring you valuable information that Can help you with your hair and with Your kids hair so today what are we Talking about so today we are talking About aloe vera you know people always Get confidence aloe vera the plant Itself There's also aloe vera gel you know There's also albarran juice so Albert J Aloe vera juice aloe vera plant and this Even aloe vera oil now all these are the Very things you'll be like how do I use It so this video is going to tell you Different ways they can incorporate aloe Vera into your hair routine and hair Regimen now Aloe vera is really good in terms of Bringing moisture into your hair in Terms of growth in terms of helping Enhance products that you have it can Also be good with closing your cuticles After you've washed your hair to lock in That moisture so many benefits Aloe vera also has healing properties to Eat so if you have like a rash or Something or your skin is irritated or Your skin is concerned problems or Pallava ojala then you can use aloe vera Gel also so let's start off first with

The real aloe vera which is the right Underwear to use which is the best Underwear to use the best other products You use will be the plants so using aloe Vera from the plants the inside jelly Consistency thing in the plant is the Best elaborate to use now if you don't Have access to the plant What is your delivery you can get aloe Vera gel now the great gel and this is The one that I like this one um you can Get it in stores Amazon you can even get It in Walmart you can get it in anywhere From the Seas so not only that can you Use this in your hair you can take the Gel you can mix with your hair products You can mix it with your shea butter to Create a more moisturizing ingredient so You know you know that shea butter is a Sealant that locks in moisture but when You couple it with aloe vera it will Help convert it to a moisturizing silent Moisturizing cream so you just add aloe Vera You had your shea butter put some oils In there you have your cream and it's Good it gives you a nice twist out a Nice style so that's how you can use the Gel the gel will not be something that I Will put in my spirit so if you're Making a hair spritz you know dye spray Your hair to moisturize your hair you Don't want to put the gel in there Because what will happen is that the gel

Will sit on top of it and you don't want To do that now for aloe vera juice I Will use aloe vera juice the ways that I Use aloe vera juice is number one I will Use it in my spritz if you have a hair Spray You know the spray thing that you do Take some aloe vera juice put it with Some water put some oil you can put some Living in there shake it real good and You have a very good moisturizing Hairspray Now the other way that you can use it is That you can also use it when you are Doing DIY and you're trying to do for Example bentonite clay DIY all these Mixtures use the juice instead of the Gel if it's something that you want to Wash out if you want to wash it out use The juice if you want to keep it in use This now washing it out in terms of Treatment that's what I mean knife is a Spray of course you can use this this Also if I confused you guys I don't know Anyway last way they can also use it is That it can use it when after you wash Your hair you can let this be the last Spray or last water that you put in your Hair and what it does is that is Cylinder moisture it locks in your Cuticle it closes your cuticle so those Are the ways that I use them if you use Aloe vera or I've noticed Or before but a libero oil is something

They can also use cases to massage your Scar I can use it for your hair in General so that's basically if not what I hear from you guys how to use aloe Vera which one do you use which brand do You use Comment below let's start talking Because aloe vera is life okay So we'll talk to you guys in the next Video thank you for watching and don't Forget to join us on our live chat on Discovery natural live stream channel And we will see you in the next video Thanks for watching bye

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