"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules

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Benefits of aloe vera juice for health comes side by side with aloe vera juice side effects
While there are benefits of aloe vera juice for weight loss and aloe vera juice for constipation is also a possibility, due to the potential aloe vera juice side effects it is important to know how much aloe vera juice to drink daily.
1. Amar Surjushe, R. V. (2008). Aloe Vera: A Short Review. Indian Journal of Dermatology, 53(4), 163-166. Retrieved from
2. Meika Foster, D. H. (2011). Evaluation of the Nutritional and Metabolic Effects of Aloe vera. In W.-G. S. Benzie IFF (Ed.), Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition. (2nd ed.). CRC Press/Taylor & Francis. Retrieved from
So… what aloe vera juice good for?A lot can be said. But as much can be said about aloe vera juice side effects also.
So, do not use aloe vera juice for prolonged periods.
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I would recommend that you should consider use of organic ingredients from the point of view of health and well-being of yourself and your family. If you choose to use organic ingredients, you could consider sourcing it from Bio Basics at the link given below:
Egyptians call this the plant of Immortality This leaf has been used for medicinal Purposes Across millennia among several different Cultures Egyptian queen cleopatra used this leaf As part of a daily beauty regimen Alexander the great and columbus used This leaf to treat the wounds of their Soldiers I’m sure you have recognized this this Is aloe vera And let’s see what are we going to do With this today Keep watching namaskarams I am sujata an educator in biology and Environmental science A health and wellness consultant and Your host On manchin manchester [Music] There are innumerable medicinal benefits Of aloe vera Which are documented in various research Papers What i am going to be sharing with you Today is from one such research paper Published by the national institute of Health the link of which is given in the Description box below How are we using this aloe vera leaf i’m Going to be using this gel To prepare aloe vera juice it is
Extremely rich in nutrients Helps to lose weight and also Rejuvenates the skin So here are our ingredients to prepare The aloe vera juice i have taken two Aloe vera leaves a piece of ginger about Six tablespoons of honey one lemon and Salt to taste Before i show you how to extract this Gel let’s look at the health benefits of Aloe vera Coming to the botany of aloe vera it Belongs to the lily family It is a perennial xerophyte that grows In desert like conditions It is a succulent plant and its leaves Store water The inner clear gel contains 99 Water and rest is made up of salmon Amino acids lipids sterols and vitamins A C and e which are antioxidants as you May know Antioxidants neutralize free radicals Interestingly Vitamin b12 is also found in aloe vera Apart from folic acid colin And minerals like calcium magnesium and Potassium Hormones like auxins and gibberellin are Also present which help in wound healing And have Anti-inflammatory action it provides 20 Of the 22 human required amino acids
And 7 of the 8 essential amino acids It also contains salicylic acid that Possesses Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial Properties A seminal is one of the most important Of chemicals found in aloe vera gel This gel has some amazing properties it Can heal skin Wounds it can repair skin damage by Radiation and uv rays The gel has a laxative effect and helps Detoxification It helps moisturize the skin and has Anti-aging effects on the skin A word of caution research is saying That prolonged use can lead to Harmful effects so aloe vera is best Used in moderation And for short periods of time to derive Its benefits So first wash the leaf and With a knife cut off the sharp edges Like this Just cut off this edge Okay so the now the sharp edges are Removed So cut the tail end of the leaf And start removing this upper Layer So repeat the same process for the other Leaf Now gently scrape the gel with the help Of a spoon
Like this do not go till the end of the Leaf the superficial gel you just scoop It out And pour it in water to wash it Just scoop it out like this Just so slimy So we will be repeating it for the other Leaf see The slime so you just have to wash it Before you grind it Just rinse it once these are the Leftovers after removing the gel You can compost it in your garden or put It to your potted plants So now let’s blend the aloe vera gel Just adding it Extremely slimy I have grated the ginger so i’m adding The grated ginger to this aloe vera gel Let’s blend this now [Music] Here this is smoothly got blended Now i’m going to be transferring this to A small bottle and then we will add the Lemon juice honey and salt to it So here we have the aloe vera gel ginger Mix I’ll squeeze the lemon into it now Let’s add the salt into this and now the Honey [Music] Mix it well so this quantity is enough For about three glasses of juice If you would like to preserve this you
Could preserve this in the refrigerator For a maximum Of three to four days it’s best used Fresh so now let’s pour the aloe vera Concentrate into the glass Taking about six to eight Tablespoons yeah and now Add water mix it a refreshing aloe vera Juice ready to be sipped So let’s add some ice and we could Garnish it with some mint leaves It is extremely refreshing to sip on This aloe vera juice On a summer afternoon Remember aloe vera is not recommended to Be used By pregnant ladies and lactating or Breastfeeding mothers As it can induce uterine contractions It is also not recommended for people Who might be allergic And may have skin reactions and diarrhea And as we have already seen prolonged Use Is not recommended as we have seen It is so simple to make aloe vera juice At home But where do you source your aloe vera Leaf from Let’s mull over it All you need to get going is a small Little tiny plant of aloe vera with its Root intact You could source it from a nearby
Nursery or your neighbor’s balcony or Your neighbor’s garden You can plant it in your pot and it Doesn’t need too much Of water neither does it need strong Sunshine Very hardy plant easy to grow One plant like this which i started off In my balcony has become this Does this inspire you to grow aloe vera In your balcony or kitchen gardens And use it fresh to make your juice in How many different Ways have you used aloe vera do share Them with me in the comment section Below And if you like this episode don’t Forget to press The like button and share this video With your family and friends Hey have you subscribed to munch mall do Click on the subscribe button And press the bell icon to receive Notifications of my newest Videos uploaded every saturday