Aloe vera in Aloe vera gel #aloevera

Do you know that aloe vera can grow Roots in water but not in aloe vera Gel the preservative effect of aloe vera Gel will inhibit the plant from growing Roots subscribe to the channel to learn More about aloe…
Small Aloe vera leaf propagation #aloevera

Do you know that you can propagate the Leaves of aloe vera if so do you know That even the leaves of a smaller and Younger aloe vera can be Propagated subscribe to the channel if You want to learn…
The gel of rusted Aloe vera leaf #aloevera

[Music] This is aloe rust which is different From black or brown Spots how deep can this rust go is the Gel inside Affected the only way to check it out is To cut open the leaf of a rusted…
There are things I can’t explain about aloe vera #aloevera

There are things in the garden that are Easy to explain just like this one I Planted only one pup and it grows Three it's because the original plant Suffered Leaf rot and died in the Remaining root ball produced…
How many pups Aloe vera leaves can grow? #aloevera

How many plants can grow if you plant Aloe vera leaves this Leaf has one this Has two this Leaf has one and this has Two this Leaf has Four this has only one and this has Three if you…
You can propagate Aloe vera leaves #aloevera

[Music] Do you know that you can propagate aloe Vera leaves but only this part of the Leaf and has to have a stem tissue or a Part of the stem attached to It not this part even if it…
Common Aloe vera problems #aloevera

[Music] Aloe vera leaf Rot root Rot black and brown spots and aloe rust Are the common problems you encounter When you plant aloe vera at Home subscribe to the channel if you Want to learn more about aloe Vera
Aloe vera Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner #aloevera

Do you know that you can use aloe vera As a fertilizer and soil conditioner Just add sugar to the aloe vera gel and Let it ferment for at least 2 weeks Filter the fermented aloe vera gel and Place…
Aloe vera cuttings in Aloe vera gel #aloevera

[Music] Do you know that aloe vera cuting will Develop roots in the Water if so do you know that using Alo Vera gel instead of water prevents aloe Vera cuting from developing Roots subscribe to the channel if you…
Aloe vera Chinensis

This is the chinensis variety of aloe Vera the orange flowering aloe Vera most people call it spotted aloe Vera because of its white spots on the Leaves but few people know that the White spots will be gone just…