Propagating the root ball of Aloe vera #aloevera

[Music] Did you know that you can propagate the Root ball of the aloe vera Plant just clean the root ball by Trimming the old Roots aloe vera normally sheds off the Old roots and grows new [Music] Ones in…
Grow your Aloe vera bigger faster.

[Music] Did you know that the best way to make Your aloe vera grow bigger faster is to Regularly remove its pups and older [Music] Leaves subscribe to the channel to learn More about aloe Vera
Why Does Aloe vera Get Sunburned?

[Music] Did you know that if you place your aloe Vera plant outdoors in full sun its Leaves will be Burned severe burns will also cause the Leaf to rot even if you put it back Inside this will only…
Mature and Bigger Aloe vera Takes Longer to Root.

[Music] Do you know that it will take longer for A mature aloe vera to grow roots when Planted by cutting compared with younger Aloe Vera this mature aloe vera was cut Because it started to Rot now that the…
Overgrown Aloe vera Pups

[Music] If you are growing aloe vera in a pot Don't let its pups grow so big like this One because it will affect the health And growth of the mother Plant regularly remove pups to maintain The health of…
Always check your Aloe vera Plant

[Music] Do you have an aloe vera like this the Plant looks very healthy but when you Look at the crown it's not growing new Leaves this means that your aloe vera Has survived Leaf rot that started at The…
Aloe vera without water and sunlight #aloevera

[Music] Have you ever wondered what will happen To the aloe vera plant if placed inside The box without water and sunlight for 1 Month this is what aloe vera will look Like after being inside the box for 1…
What to do with #aloevera with rotting leaves?

Do you have an aloe vera plant with Rotting Leaves and the rot is starting at the Crown as long as there are leaves left Don't throw it away because in the next Couple of weeks pups will grow and…
The proper and clean way to harvest Aloe vera leaves #aloevera

[Music] This is the proper way to cut or harvest Aloe vera Leaves just make a small cut on the side Leaf at the base near the Stem the leaf will be very easy to Remove you can also do…