

"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules
Today, I will be comparing Ambunu Herbs to Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is an humectant and so is Ambunu. Both of them add moisture to your hair but which one is the best moisturizer for natural hair or even best moisturizer for 4c natural hair.
Ambunu herbs is from Chad, African and has been used as an ancient herbs for cleansing hair, detangling hair and also moisturizing hair. Ambunu can be used as Ambunu shampoo because this Ambunu herbal shampoo contains ambunu herb which has saponin and give it the ability to cleanse hair naturally.
0:00 – Introduction
0:18 – How to Prepare Ambunu
1:00 – How to Prepare Aloe Vera
3:31 – Straining Ambunu Leaves
5:14 – Twisting Hair with Aloe Vera
6:26 – Twisting Hair with Ambunu
8:26 – Comparing Twistout
Smart Funnel:
3 in 1 Detangling comb:
How to reuse Ambunu Leaves
DIY Deep Conditioner
DIY Leave In Conditioner
Ambunu Shampoo and Detangling Conditioner
Wash Day Routine with Ambunu Hair Products Chebe USA
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#NaturalHair #AloeVera #DiscoveringNatural
Hi everyone welcome to discovery natural Today I'm going to compare aloe vera against Ambuno you guys have been requesting for It And i'm so happy to show you so if You've not yet subscribed to this Channel Please feel free to click the subscribe Button and Let's get started so first of all we're Going to prepare the ambuno Now this is the ambuno and it comes in Leafy form not the powdered form and i'm Adding three tablespoons of ambuno To eight ounces of hot water you can buy This ambuno on our amazon store Listed there you can look in description Area for the link Now ambuno also acts as a cleansing Agent It also helps to moisturize your hair And to detangle your hair It has so many properties and just like Aloe vera It is animal tent so i'm gonna wait 20 Minutes for it to release Its stuff so whenever that is done Um let's just go and start making the Aloe vera Now you all must be familiar with aloe Vera i've been using this aloe vera leaf So i'm just cutting off the ends and This is the piece i'll be using so when
It comes to aloe vera you want to remove All the prickly parts And then cut out the aloe vera into half Like this And this is what it looks like aloe vera Is very moisturizing It also helps to scoop out the Gel from it and when you're scooping it Of course you're going to get some green Particles in it But don't worry i'm going to show you How to remove that So once we're done scooping it this is What you Have you have that kind of jelly Consistency Now compared to ambuno ambuno doesn't Have that thick Jelly because the gels come from the Leaf well with aloe vera we do Have to process it by blending it so we Blend it Into a liquid form now after you've Blended it Thoroughly it's time to strain it now if You don't strain it You're gonna have particles in your hair Trust me so you can strain it If you want you can not strain it it Just depends on how frustrating you want Your wash day to be So after i've strained it uh then i will Now proceed to squeezing all that gel Out with aloe vera you do want to make
Sure you squeeze Everything out and it gets quite foamy When you're squeezing it out you're Going to see what happens with ambuno When you're squeezing it out so a huge Difference is that The aloe vera gel gets really gel Like like very um jelly filling When you're squeezing it out so as You're squeezing it out You also have to know that after you Squeeze it out The leftover things in the Um thing in the sucking you cannot reuse That so that leftover stuff You cannot reuse it and this is One huge difference and compared to Ambuno so this Is what it looks like i'm just going to Put it into my funnel And using my smartphone if you want to Know where i got this for now from I think i'm going to put the link in the Description area for you guys So after i've put it in the funnel and Put it into my Applicator bottle i got about two ounces Now let's check on the ambuno so the Ambuno is ready And what i have to do now is also to Strain it So with the ambuno you can actually use It without straining it but you Also have that same issue of getting the
Particles stuck in your hair So you can see that as i'm squeezing out The ambulo the ambulano doesn't have any Foamy Consistency coming out of it but instead It has its gel so when you start Squeezing it squeeze it to the very end Because that is actually where the Property The methane property is in that gel Consistency So you want to really squeeze everything Out especially the jelly Part of it so the jelly part of it will Have that Dark color so don't worry don't be Scared that is what you want now This one you can reuse it click that Link i'll show you how to reuse This leaf again so with ambuno you want To mix it Thoroughly and you want to remove any Particles Again from it so it's kind of similar to Aloe vera so after i've removed that Particle getting the last one Out i'm gonna put it also in my bottle And this actually made Much more than the aloe vera so we have The ambuno And we have the aloe vera right over There and they all have the same Similar viscosity the viscosity of Ambuno
Is heavier than that of aloe vera Hey so now i'm ready my hair i shampooed It and i deep conditioned it with my Ambuno Diy and you can click that link to watch How i did it And my hair i untwisted it and this is What my hair looks like So it's time to use the aloe vera first So i'm using my tree section detangling Comb and i'm just clipping that away now You can see the viscosity of the aloe Vera it's very light And it's much thinner so you're gonna See How the ambulano looks like later so as I'm applying the aloe vera to my hair I find that with the aloe vera as i'm Applying it I kind of have to apply more to my hair To really penetrate into my hair for Those that don't know my hair Is low porosity okay uh so yeah Once again if you don't subscribe please Feel free to click the subscribe button This would be a very good time to do That So with that i'm detangling my hair Detangling is Was an ease easy part of doing it but Still The detangling part of this as i was Detangling my hair i had a little bit of Snack here and there
So that is one thing that i noticed About aloe vera And yeah so that is what my definition Looks like with the aloe vera one Now we're going to use the ambuno and as You can see with the ambula the Viscosity Is thicker and you can see by how It's like dropping it's much much Thicker you can see yeah so that is much Thicker than the aloe vera so as i put In my hair I noticed i did not have to put so much Of the ambuno In my hair to get it all saturated it Really got saturated quickly and i think It's because of the supposed super 10 So ah i cannot say that one anyway So we detangling it was so much easier To detangle with the ambuno the slip was Amazing and my curls were of course they Were more noticeable with aloe vera Which was Really weird down with the ambuno so i'm Going to twist up my hair with the aloe Vera and i'm just doing a very simple Rope twist once i'm done twisting up my Hair You can see this is what my hair looks Like It has no freeze everything has nice Shine And everything looks good okay it looks Good
So let's go to the ambulance side so With the umbrella side As i was twisting up my hair i had a Feeling this was going to happen i had The same shine the same look as the aloe Vera you couldn't tell the difference But shrinkage was much noticeable With aloe vera okay so if you guys don't Like shrinkage well There you go okay so now the shine and The sheen Was the same you couldn't tell the Difference to be honest with you It felt similar very very similar And as you can see this is the ambuno Side And if i turn around this is the aloe Vera side sorry about the lighting but To be honest with you My kids couldn't even tell the Difference when i felt my hair On the ambuno side versus the aloe vera Side i was just like huh the aloe vera Side felt slightly softer But to be honest with you they were so So similar So yeah now let's see how it looks Um when we look at the smoothness will It freeze up the smoothness of my twist Was the same So this is a day later so a day later You can see the alum bunos side it dried Faster than the aloe vera side the Reverse side took
A while longer to dry so when i was Taking it Out i could also compare what it looked Like when i first untwisted and they Were similar But wait and see what happens this Really surprised me So i was taking it out and i felt like It was Kind of weird because the ambulance side Was freezing Up so quickly as i was unraveling it and It was kind of harder to kind of Separate The twist i had to like kind of target a Little bit But the aloe vera side was very easy it Just like slipped off like gel it was Just Really really nice and i feel that the Aloe vera side was much more defined Than the ambulano side so you can see There you can see the Ambulance side had much fuller look to Me Versus the aloe vera side but the Ambulance side freezed up This was so frizzy this style didn't Last up to a day Okay to be honest with you it didn't Last up to a day and My hair turned into an afro on one side So you can see With the aloe vera side that lasted a
Bit longer So if you're looking for definition are You looking for your hair as a styling Agent yeah i would say go for the aloe Vera side Versus the ambulance side so you know The properties are the same they're both Americans they bought up With moisture they're both similar Very very similar so that will be the End that is it which one do you guys Prefer On bonus side or oliver side vote below In the comment area And i'll see you in the other video bye