"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules

“Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe – Big 12oz – HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented – For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief”
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement – 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan – Aloin-Free – Gut Health & Immune Support – 60 Capsules
Simple Propagation of the Aloe vera plants can be done through using its’ ”Pups,” which are offsets or baby plants.
In this episode, we show you how to identify the these small offshoots that develop around the base of a mature aloe vera plant.
Welcome back to my channel fellow Gardeners today I thought let’s talk About their lovera and Um it’s only because this week I had Some aloe vera I had a lot of aloe vera Around the garden and I sort of never Really thought about it and then I Thought to myself I must do an episode On a loivera but where did I keep them I Eventually found them but because they Had been sitting there and I’ve got a Lot of foliage around this is the result Of my loyvera when they don’t get sun They actually become very lanky tall Weak and then I thought no let me solve This problem do an episode and then I Can divide the rest of my loyvera and Also figure out what I want to do with This so welcome back and my name is Alice I’m the red Soul Gardener let’s Just talk about this plant and see if we Can sort it out [Music] Now the Lloyd Vera is actually a very Interesting plant it all started off in The Middle East and it has completely Spread worldwide here in East Africa we Actually do and like in India in other Countries we do look at it as a Medicinal plant everyone should have an Alloy Vera in their Garden Now why I say this is that I’ve had an Experience two experiences is that the First one is I got quite badly burnt on
My thigh and my daughter ran out and got Some aloe vera and she applied it Constantly for three days and my burn Actually it healed very quickly and also I’ve had incidences with the dogs is That one of my dogs did have an uh like An eczema attack and I’d taken it to so Many vets and nothing came I mean it Wasn’t conclusive but then what my Gardener said is Mama why don’t you try To use the loyvera and we did it we’d Wash him and then just rinse him out With the gel in that spot and he Completely I mean it was amazing so I do Believe in aloe vera I think everyone Should have it in their Garden and I Think it is does have medicinal Properties do go and check those Channels that do talk about it because I’m not an expert but I totally do Recommend you get one for your garden Now the thing about alloy verus is that Their succulents and they actually grow In very dry hot places and there are Many varieties I’ve seen amazing Varieties especially in South Africa When my daughter was studying there and The whole of one Highway Port Elizabeth Actually had a Loy virus aligning it and I remember one time I had arrived and it Was the alloy flowering season and it Was spectacular so they do also flower If they get adequate Sun they will Flower but the problem is that sometimes
We have them as indoor plants and if They don’t get that sufficient sun is That indoor plants will not flower yes Now again going back to this beautiful Eloy Vera it is a succulent now we know About succulents succulents are Basically survivors and it’s also Because they store water in their leaves Now the thing about aloe vera which as a Succulent is that if you do have an Alloy vera plant in your garden or you Forget to water it it can actually Survive for a long time because it’ll Live off the water in its leaves now the Thing about loyvera as we cut it and This is what we’re talking about the Medicinal it’s all about the gel and This is the gel that is in there and so For many people is that what they Actually use Is I Like this Just like that That is that this gummy bit Is what you do is that when you do have Like a sunburn just wipe it on your skin Or in my case where you had a burn is Just take the gel and lightly wipe it so It’s this gel that everybody is after And this is what is really medicinal so Now when I look at these two alloy veras This one seems to be lighter and this One is darker but they’re all the same
And what has happened here is I will Trim it because That’s broken but I think this Particular one here either had too much Uh what you call it water and Um And this is what’s happened it’s the top Has Sort of so when you do have your your Plant you can clean it up and just cut The tips just to make it look Presentable And groom it a little bit but I think That one’s fine now the thing about Alloy veras is that they get pops that’s How you propagate some people do Actually use the this uh the leaves for Propagation purposes where you get your Leaf cut it let it callus and once it’s Calloused and it’s hard is you just do Almost the same as a snake plant you Place it in in soil and then what Happens is you get your little pups Forming here at the base but today we’re Not dealing with that because it does Take a while and and here I think Propagation from the pups from the Mother is a much faster method for me so I’ve never really tried the the leaf Propagation but I have seen that it does Work now what happens within a loyvera Is that let me use this as an example Now these are the the ones that are Uprooted in the bush and they because
Because of no sun they become very spiny And tall and Um there’s hardly any gel in here it’s Basically is because it was kept in Shade now if you’re going to use aloe Vera and and try to propagate it this is A really good example because even Though my little spiny aloe vera uh was Not getting enough Sun you can see Exactly where the pop Comes This is a Baby That has just sprouted out That was what you would use for Propagation purposes so again now this Is the base of an alloy Vera again you See the pups all sprouting from the side Of the stem again you can use those pops For propagation purposes and especially Like if you look at this one here has Already formed its own Roots so I could Actually just snip that off and put it In soil Like that and it will propagate into a Big aloe vera plant again as I look at My aloe vera This one had fallen down and I’m just Removing some of these um leaves this One had actually was standing upright And it actually fell down and so what is Interesting with this aloe vera again is You could actually plant it the stem This way and you will get rooting Happening at the base and you will get Your pups forming so out of all this you
Could actually get quite a few alloy Veras if I stuck it like that in the Soil so there’s so many different Methods of actually and looking at the Plant it seems so versatile on Propagation so there are different Methods that you can use and they will Work now okay let’s look at the sun Requirements basically alloy veras are Succulents they love a dry hot weather And water requirement is basically is That if an alloy Vera is if it’s first If it doesn’t receive water it’s okay as We understand it does store the water in Its roots so I wouldn’t bother so much And be worried that in case your lawyer Hasn’t had water but generally you Should water it using the finger test if It’s if you’re if you put your finger in The soil and the soil is dry then I Would water it so I’d water it maybe Every three weeks in summer but other Than that I wouldn’t bother so much as You’re propagating the pups I would Actually give a bit more water to the Parts as they’re growing but after a Month I would actually not give it water Because now it can actually survive on Its own and it has rooting now if you do Keep in a little voice Vera inside the House and suddenly summer does come I Would just gently introduce it into your Veranda and and not suddenly because the Problem with alloy virus is that they
Too get sunburned they do get scorched By the sun their leaves and they will Change color they’ll go bronze and then You know that Joy loyvera has been Scorched but I would slowly graduate Gradually introduce your loyvera from Inside the house to outside the on your Patio so basically within a loyvera in Terms of sun it should get at least four To six hours of Sun and it will be happy Now what happens is that when you do Have them indoors do have them near a Window but make sure they don’t touch The glass or be too close to the glass Because of the heat but they should be Okay in winter time is that you can move Your your lower to a sunny a spot in the House but what happens is that if it Doesn’t get enough Sun it will go Dormant and it will stop growing so what Sort of soil does it like alloy varies Again Cactus so I would actually either Have a cactus cactus potting soil when Growing alloy veras because they don’t Want water around their roots or else What I do is I just do one part of sand River sand and one part potting soil and I mix it all together but it just gives It a good drainage and also it’s it is Very It is the water does drain through Because it has to be well draining now When we’re talking propagation Is
As I mentioned to you is that I was Trying to clear up my loiveras and I Found those spiny ones which were in the Bush and suddenly I realized oh dear I Have this alloy Vera that I have had in A pot so I need to actually propagate Some of it so I’m left with some but Then the rest of them I will give them Away because it’s such a lovely plant Now what it is is that initially I have The mother plant in the middle and these Are all Pops that have actually Developed so what we’re going to do here Is actually try to break up the um the Soil and the thing about the loyveras is That their rooting system don’t go Really deep so it should be fairly easy And then out of this we can just grow Some aloe vera here and then the rest of It I will donate to my friends so I am Going to Simply Go in here And just Open it up Just like That there we are Oh gosh so out of this I have one pop To pop All this lot here Actually comes And as I flip the Slugs off Actually All these Pops that I’m playing around
With or let’s say trying to propagate is They come from this mother mother aloe Vera and look at the multitude of pups This is over the years but these are all Pups ready to be separated and to go Into their own homes so let’s just Here they all are to see they’re all Attached to the mother There’s another pup So all these parts Is they come from here to see Who’ve just pulled them out of these Areas which is the base And all of them Just started from here So this bit of paper so basically an Alloy Vera that falls another pup alloy Veras are very easy to propagate and It’s all about the pubs and that’s why I Find it’s easier to actually take it and Separate it other than growing it from Its Leaf so here we are fellow gardeners Thank you so much and we will distribute All these pubs and find them homes And go and get yourself an aloe vera and They are air purifiers so it does work Really well as an indoor plant because It does clean your house and with that Do share like and press that Notification and do subscribe to our Channel we’re having a lot of fun here And don’t forget we’re on Instagram Facebook for your comments send me a Message DM me I always there to answer
You and have a really lovely day here as I distribute this thank you very much Bye [Music]