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I was so shocked at the instant results I received just after a few minutes of applying this deep conditioner on my hair. I hair even felt strong afterwards and I was shocked. Here’s to #extremehairgrowth #journeytowaistlength #naturalhair #aloevera #fenugreek #blackricewater
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– HAIR UPDATE | My Hair Type, Porosity, Problem Areas and New Hair Challenge –
– Black Rice Water for Extreme Hair Growth
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IG: @angelique_ejembi
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[Music] Hi guys welcome back to my channel it's A girl Angelique so today we are going to make A dish using these and this is the Result and that's exactly what we're Trying to go for so yeah let's get Started we are beginning with black rice Black rice makes your hair shiny smooth And helps it grow and it's also packed With six times more antioxidants and Regular rice fenugreek seeds not only Kill the bacteria and fungi present on The scalp but also strengthen the hair Follicles and promotes hair growth so This is what I'll be using I'm using it In the powder form you can use it in a Seed form whatever you have is fine Right now I am just pouring about two to Three tablespoons of my black rice into This container and then I am also doing The same pouring about two to three or About three three or so teaspoon Teaspoons of fenugreek powder into my Rice and then pouring a little bit of Water just to cover the rice in the Fenugreek powder and then I am mixing it And I am going to cover it up make sure That your container is a tight and so I Am putting it to I'm soaked overnight And this is about 24 hours later as you Can see the rice has completely soaked Up the fenugreek and water Yeah rice is completely broken down
Well not completely but it's broken down And all the juice has infused into the Wrights all the water has infused into The rice and so I will be blending this Together with my aloe vera put this Aside and get started on the aloe vera And the first thing to do to get rid of This end bit is that that aside and Never get rid of the spikes on the side Make the spikes on the side so we get Rid of that as it makes it so much Easier to work and then we'll cut this Drive bit off as well do the same Now let's move on to extracting this Aloe vera gel so aloe vera contains Something called proteolytic enzymes Which repair dead skin cells on the Scalp it also acts as a as a great Conditioner and leaves your hair all Smooth and shiny it promotes hair growth Prevents itching on the scalp reduces Dandruff and contains and conditions Your hair in my previous video I showed You guys how I made my aloe vera living Conditioner but in this one I decided to Try making a deep conditioner with of Course my black rice which I absolutely Love and which has worked wonderfully on My hair before so I decided to try just Two of my favorite things to see how It'll turn out and here we are if you're Interested in watching I will link the Previous video up for you guys and yeah Feel free to go and watch it and let me
Know what you think but let's move on to This video let's get back into this Video so yeah I'm just extracting my gel And placing it cutting it into smaller Bits and then placing it into my rice Which I am then going to blend together And yeah let me not talk too much but Let you guys watch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Okay I am done blending and you can Blend this to a smoother consistency if You wish and also if you have a more Powerful blender it also just depends With whatever you wish or whatever you Want to achieve but I couldn't be too Bothered but right now I am filtering or I'm saving my product so that I can get A cream consistency that I want and you Know I don't want all that rough stuff In my hair so as you can see I am using My stocking leg a clean stocking leg Guys you can use a sieve if you wish Whatever you have to you know get this Process done do it just do it okay so This is the leftover stuff in a stocking And yeah it's not pretty at all anyways After this I am going to use a [Music] [Music]
After all this mess I'll call it maths Because it is quite a messy process I am Going to add my stimulant oil and today I am using my eucalyptus oil the key to Hair growth as we all know is you know To get all that blood circulating on Your scalp so that it can promote hair Growth this is the creamy consistency That we are left with and it is Beautiful it smells wonderful and I'm so Happy with the result now we are going To use it We are beginning on dry hair of course Guys I just find that my hair lately Especially these past few weeks and Months have been extremely extremely Extremely dry I am not sure if it's just My hormones playing up or whatever and That's apart from the fact that I Thought from the fact that I have high Porosity hair and so this is my products Which I've placed in my applicator Bottle and then I am going ahead and Applying warm water so I'm saturating or Hydrating my hair with warm water just To open up the cuticles and also you Know just to just to make sure that my Hair receives the product well and you Know spread evenly and all that you know All the help all that stuff but yeah I Highly advise you to apply water and if Possible warm water to hydrate the head Before applying the product right now I Am beginning by applying a product on my
Scalp and then also applying it to the Length of my hair and then I am going to Gently massage my hair with my fingers Just finger detangling it and just Playing around just be really gentle With this process and guys I was very shocked actually let me not Even say too much I'll just let you Watch my hair transform these next few Minutes and yeah hopefully you are as Shocked as I was because I don't usually Get this okay for me to get this amount Of definition in my head I would have to Leave the deep conditioner in my hair For a few hours but this was instant and I was so pleased [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Okay so I've applied my living Conditioner to all other sections of my Hair and right now I am just going to go Back to that first section because I Don't think I applied enough product but Yeah let's see let me show you guys Also how defined my hair like my curls Are like I said before I don't get this I usually like I really don't usually When I apply like a living conditioner
Or I mean not living but a deep Conditioner in my hair my hair will just Shrink up but this has just my hair is Just completely absorbed this product And also you can see the curls I defined The curls have popped through this is Like a last thing guys you have no idea I know I found weird saying it over and Over again but yeah this means something Okay You'll go here thought you never had Curls okay your girl here thought to get Curls you have to you know deep Condition your hair for like you know God knows how long how many hours just To see these curls but hey this is like After 3-4 minutes of you know just Massaging my head And these popped up anyways yeah so Right now I'm just going to put my cap On guys I don't know who makes these Shower caps or who this child kept Something made for but they never fit so I always resort to putting a plastic on My hair tying it up so that no you know Product escapes or drips through and Then right now I'm just going to add a Scarf on top just you know to give it More moisture and also to let my hair You know penetrate like my the product Penetrate into my hair so now this is Two hours later and I just want to show You guys the result of my hair right now As it stands before I wash it off and
Yeah just see how those curls are coming Through again let me not say anything Anymore okay you guys just watch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Okay so this is after rinsing the deep Conditioner out of my hair and the curls Are still popping okay I am so happy Guys I don't even know how to say it Right now but yeah I'm so happy guys so I am done braiding my hair and I just Wanted to come out here and show you Guys something real quick Okay so I've you know brushed my hair Out with my you know why to condiment Brush and whatever and I've monster eyes That I've oiled my scalp and all that And this this is how much here I lost Okay I am so like impressed I'm so Shocked if you guys can tell how little That is but I'm so happy with the result Because I don't think I've ever like I've ever lost this little hair in my Whole life when manipulating my hair Like this and I'm so happy and also one Thing that I can add these when I was Braiding my hair nose filling in my Fingers and you know as I was brushing It with my white tooth comb and a brush I found that my head felt really strong And it wasn't just snapping off like it Has been in the past few weeks and
Months which I've complained about time And time again if you've watched my Previous videos but yeah guys this is Definitely the right step I mean a great Step in the right direction yeah I think Yeah so that's a good step and I'm so Happy with the result which means yes Yes Can you pick that up and go put in the Pin which means that I will be Revisiting this this process or whatever I did today I'll be doing it again very Soon maybe even next week anyways yeah I'm so happy with the result my hair Feels very strong and it just didn't Snap all shaking has been as I mentioned Before but anyways guys I encourage you Guys to try this this mixture it's just Something that came to mind because this Rice water was something that has worked For me very well in the past and also Currently using aloe vera it's working Wonderfully as well so I thought why not Mix a two which I did and the results Were amazing It's that please if you like this video Be sure to give it a thumbs up so that You can help others out there you like These videos and what suggested to other People the more interviews we have the More you know push we have to into Making these videos so I'll be coming Back with more of these videos more here Came more hair tips more hair growth
Videos which I am very happy to do which I love doing as well also let me know What you think in the comment section Below and also subscribe to this channel And hit the notification bell if you Haven't so they can be notified every Time I post a new video anyways guys Thank you guys so much for tuning in and I hope to see you guys in my next video