Aloe vera Barbadensis Leaf Propagation

This is a video request from viewers who would like to know if leaf propagation would work on barbadensis variety.

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Here are the links to my successful leaf propagation videos using chinensis variety:
How to Propagate Aloe vera leaves:
How to propagate small Aloe vera leaves:
How to plant Aloe vera leaf cuttings:
Propagated Aloe vera leaves:
How to plant Aloe vera leaves:
How to plant Aloe vera from a single leaf:



Foreign You probably have seen many of my videos About propagating aloe vera leaves If you are new to my channel you can Check out some of my leaf propagation Videos by clicking on the links in the Description below however every leaf Used in those propagation videos comes From the leaf of aloe vera Genesis Variety I made another aloe vera leaf Propagation video because some of my Viewers ask me if Leaf propagation would Work on the barbados's variety the Leaves that I used in this video were From the pops of aloe vera barbadensis That I just separated from the mother Plant Unlike the genensis variety which begins Producing pop even if it is still very Young the Barbados variety normally Doesn't produce its own Puffs until it Is around 6 months old but I was hoping That things would go different when Propagating its leaves I cut the leaves the same way for the Purpose of propagation Aloe vera leaves cannot be propagated Without a stem tissue attached to the Leaves After cutting I air dried the leaves for Two weeks Unlike the Genesis leaves no pups or Roots appearing on the barbaden's leaves

After two weeks of air drying Even though there were no sign of Pops Or Roots forming I chose to place them On the soil because I was concerned that The stem tissue on the leaves might Become too dry Two weeks after placing the leaves on The soil still no sign of roots and Pops Showing up also our dog took one of the Leaves the reason why there were only Three leaves left after one month in the Soil and no sign of Pops showing up I Got impatient and decided to remove and Check closely for any growth on the Leaves Foreign The first Leaf showed no sign of growth However as I pulled off the second Leaf I sensed a break So I dug it up and discovered a single Root But the leaf showed no sign of Bob's Development Foreign ly pulled off the third leaf And discovered that it had a root system As well But still no visible sign of Pops Growing If I had waited a little longer perhaps Pups might appear but because the plant From which I took the leaf is still very Young it is also possible that it will Only grow roots and not pops as I said Earlier barbadan sees do not produce

Pups when they are still very young I'll probably repeat this experiment Using the things I learned from this I hope that you learned something too From this video this is Danny and thank You for watching

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