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Today i want to show you how you can add One ingredient to your aloe vera to make It Wonderful to make it super strong and to Work once for your hair so If you want to know what it is stay Tuned and i'll show you exactly What i did and how i did it [Music] Hey family welcome to my channel my name Is angelic if you are new to this Channel Welcome if you are returning for yet Another time thank you so much for Stopping by your support means the world So um yeah uh today i'll be showing you Guys how i use aloe vera but i've Recently Started adding an ingredient which has Made it super Amazing for my hair and i've seen such a Change or Dramatic change in my hair so i'll show You guys how i did it before We go to that let me just tell you some Of the benefits of aloe vera So keratin in the is a primary Protein of hair and aloe vera has a Chemical makeup Similar to that of keratin and it Rejuvenates the hair with its own Nutrients Giving it more elasticity and preventing Breakage
Aloe vera contains something called Proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead Skin cells On the scalp it also acts as a great Conditioner And leaves your hair all smooth and Shiny it promotes hair growth Prevents itching on the scalp reduces Dandruff And conditions your hair okay so this is How I decided to do my aloe vera i usually Or in the past In my past videos when using aloe vera I've Taken i've previously taken the skin out But this time around i decided to Use it with the skin on blended and then Also Um kind of using a stocking leg to Strain it okay so with this Obviously there are benefits to the skin Of the aloe vera plant But you have to use that based on the Sensitivity of your scalp so before Using the skin just check it Make sure that you're not overly Sensitive to it and also Even whether or not you'll be using the Skin of the aloe vera it's very Important to Soak your aloe vera in water for at Least 30 minutes to remove the sap which Can cause
Itching and rashes and all that so the Super ingredient that i'll be using Is henna So i recently started using henna on my Hair And it's such an amazing product and i Think the benefits are in line With what i'm looking for in terms of The product products that i use in my Diy Products for my hair so let me tell you A little bit about the benefits okay Henna improves Scalp health by drawing out impurities Like fungus and bacteria It colors gray hair it adds Manageability Strengthens hair shaft adds shine and For you to truly experience the benefits Of henna Which i mentioned in my previous video i Think it's recommended that you use Henna at least Once a week for an extended period of Time so although you'll be able to see The benefits after one use I think if you really want to see um You know the true scope or the true Strength of henna It will be advisable for you to use it Over an extended period of time As opposed to just using it once and Then moving on Okay so this is also
Um what i think so that's why i'm also Sharing with you so okay So this is how i'll be using it those Are the only two ingredients no Other ingredient that i've added and My hair is freshly washed and obviously I think because aloe vera was so slimy i Think i should have kind of Used a bit of water to make like a paste With the hannah before adding into the Aloe vera but that's okay Because everything is just going to Blend in into my hair anyway so this is You know i'm not too worried about that But as you can see i'm just applying it To the hair And first when i use this i didn't Really know how it would react My hair in the past has really loved Aloe vera but Using it together with the henna i was Just Amazed because literally like As soon as the product or this mixture Touched my hair i could just see My hair starting to curl up which you Also see In a second okay But i really loved um the way that my Hair felt And also my hair was previously fingered Oh there it is can you guys see those Curls popping Can you guys see that that's exactly
What i'm talking about i was talking About a minute ago But um you guys can see like it's Literally instant okay the benefits like You can see them Instantly but also What i decided to do with this was i Left it in my hair overnight Obviously for it to kind of season and For me to Truly see the benefits you know for the This mixture to penetrate into the hair Shaft Into the cuticles and you know Everything so that i can really see the True Benefit of this mixture i love aloe vera And i am really falling in love with Hannah and i'll definitely be using it More often and As i said i'll be using it over an Extended period of time for me to truly See the benefits Okay can you guys see this like this is Just After a few minutes of using This mixture so yeah that's how you know It's working Okay i let me just let me stop talking I'm just talking too much So i've skipped to the part where i've Done Um everything like all the hair i've Applied the mixture to all there
And you can see the curls like you can See the curls really activating Every strand like i literally have like All these Um i have all these Ringlets all these curl you know Ringlets All over my hair and that's how it is You can't really see it through the Camera I wish the camera could have captured it Better but Yeah it is what it is but this is what We have and this is what we're working With And i am really loving it Okay you are probably bored of my voice Right now so I'll just let the video do the talking But before i go Um i just want to say that i always um Finish my you know process Or routine off by doing a little scalp Massage because Scalp massages not only feel good But According to research scalp massage Increases hair thickness by stretching The cells of hair follicles This in turn stimulates the follicles to Produce Thicker hair it also it's also Thought that a scalp massage may help Dilate
Blood vessels beneath the skin thereby Encouraging hair growth so There you have it scalp massages are Amazing and they just feel Wonderful and it will just take like two Minutes of your time and that's it Pretty much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Do [Music] Do [Music] Okay so before um fini Well as i'm finishing everything off I'm just going to wrap my hair with this Cling wrap or glad wrap or whatever you Call it But i'm just going to wrap my hair and This will also help Generate heat and also trap that heat Which will help my hair Well the product of the mixture Penetrate more Into my scalp and My hair shaft and everything so My hair will be my hair will benefit More okay so i always recommend doing This And of course uh to top it all off to
Make this whole thing Leak proof i'm going to finish off by Putting a Shower cap just so um Nothing will leak as i sleep and a good Thing the shower cap is that it stays on That night Okay and yeah so until Morning which is now and i'm just In the shower washing the product Off and my hair feels so good it feels Really dense It feels really like voluminous And i just love the way that my hair Felt After using this mixture The camera unfortunately cannot do Justice of what my hair looks and feels Like at the moment But it just feels really good okay [Music] [Music] Let me just interrupt and show you guys Um just give you guys a closer Look at what my hair looks like can you Guys see the curl definition even after Washing The mixture out of my hair the curls are Still Popping the curls are still there My curl pattern has definitely activated And it's still standing and so pretty Much that's It and my hair will be ready to
Um style and Um condition like with the leave-in and Oil And all that but that's it for today Guys i hope you love this video and i Hope that you can try it as well Because your hair will definitely thank You So that's it as i said please let me Know what you think in the comment Section below And like this video Press the like button if you loved it And please subscribe to my channel guys Thank you so much and i hope to see you Guys next time Bye love you all and god bless you