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This video shows that even a rotting Aloe vera plant can still produce pups.
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The beautiful music in the background is from Roa Music
Music : Roa – Deep Blue
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How did a rotten aloe vera produce Puffs Like This I'll show you [Music] How these Al Vera pops you are seeing That look like chines came from a rotten Barbodes the color length and roundness Of the leaves easily give its Variety this these are some of the Remaining leaves of the original plant That [Music] Died you probably have seen my previous Videos of what I did to save rotting Aloe vera Plants but in most cases when they are Beyond saving I just put them aside and Let them Die most of these rotting plants that Were put the side just like this plant Will grow PPS after a while this usually Happens to plants with de rot that Started at the ground and for some Reason the rotting has stopped and did Not continue down the root Park what is left is the stem that is Covered with Soil the remaining stem will continue to Grow roots and will produce pops like This One [Music] This is a barbadensis variety which is Not common to have as many pops like
This in normal Conditions this only or usually happens To a dying barbod Ines or when it is on The verge of Dying unlike the Chin's variety which is Very common to have as many pops like This or even More I remove the plant from the pot so That I can show you the stem that gives All these [Music] Pops I also washed it so that I could Show clearly that they are all attached To one stem although some of the pups Already fell when I removed the [Music] [Music] Soil This is the stem that survived ratting And Brew all the [Music] Pops I tried planting again this type of Stem in the past after removing all the Pops but it has not given pops anymore I Guess the stem has already given [Music] Enough and for this stem it has given Five bigger pups and 10 smaller ones a Total of 15 new PPS to grow I hope you Learn something this is Danny and thank You for [Music] Watching