How To Make Pure Aloe Vera Gel & Store it For Months With No Preservatives | DIY

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Aloe Vera was used for centuries for its health and beauty benefits in Egypt, India, Mexico, Japan and China. In ancient Egypt, formerly known as ”Kemet”, aloe vera was called ”the plant of immortality”.

Aloe Vera is composed of 75 active constituents : Among them, you can find vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, fatty acids, antioxidants, lignin, saponins, antiseptic agents (such as salicylic acid) and amino acids.

VITAMINS : A, C, E, B12, folic acid (B9), choline.
ENZYMES : alliase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, bradykinase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, cellulase, lipase and peroxidase. Bradykinase helps to reduce inflammation and the other enzymes help to break down sugars and fatty acids.
MINERALS : calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and zinc. Minerals are very important for the proper functioning of enzymes; some of them are antioxidants.

SUGARS : monosaccharides (glucose, fructose and mannose-6-phosphate) and polysaccharides (glucomannans and polymannoses).
FATTY ACIDS : cholesterol, campesterol, beta-sisosterol et lupeol (steroides). They all have anti-inflammatory properties and lupeol has antiseptic and analgesic properties.
HORMONES : auxines et gibberellines : anti-inflammatory, help wound healing.
AMINO ACIDS : 20 of the 22 necessary amino acids for humans and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids.
ANTISEPTIC AGENTS : lupeol, salicylic acid, nitrogen urea, cinnamonic acid, phenols and sulfur. Inhibit molds, bacteria and viruses.

Lignin is an inert substance that increases the penetration of the other actives into the skin. Saponins are soapy substances with cleaning and antiseptic properties.

Aloe Vera Gel has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-aging, anti-acne, hydrating and protecting properties on the skin. In addition to that, it softens and protects the hair.

In the Caribbean, we use it traditionally as a natural shampoo or hair mask. It can be used as a prepoo treatment, detangler, leave-in or natural gel to lay down the hair or define the curls.

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*FTC : This video was sponsored by Skillshare

Hello everyone today i’m gonna show you how to 
make pure aloe vera gel without adding any water   Or other ingredients to it i’m also gonna talk 
about its properties and show you how to store   It for months so that it doesn’t lose its 
properties if you love diys and want to grow   Your hair longer stronger and thicker make sure to 
subscribe with notifications to not miss out any   Of my upcoming videos after collecting my aloe 
vera leaves i let the yellow latex flow out of   The ends and wash them with tap water then i cut 
the extremities of each leaf as you can see here   Aloe vera was used for centuries for its health 
and beauty benefits in egypt india mexico japan   And china in ancient egypt formerly known as kemet 
aloe vera was called the plant of immortality   Here i removed the spines on the 
sides of each leaf with a sharp knife Then i put all the aloe vera leaf pieces 
in water and cut them into smaller Pieces I make sure to wash them properly by agitating 
them in the water to remove the rest of the yellow   Latex even if you allow the yellow liquid fully 
drip from the aloe vera leaves when you collect   Them there is still a little bit of liquid left 
inside the leaves so i advise you to thoroughly   Wash them once you cut them into smaller pieces 
the yellow liquid is also called yellow latex and   It’s mainly composed of allowing and barbarian 
in fact we call it halloween directly to make   It simple this liquid can provoke allergic 
reactions that’s why you have to get rid of it   I wanted to specify that even if you make sure to 
get rid of the yellow latex you can still get an   Allergic reaction to aloe vera therefore i advise 
you to do a patch test on the crook of your elbow   48 hours before use then i remove the skin on one 
side of each leaf and expose the gel aloe vera   Is composed of 75 active constituents among them 
you can find vitamins minerals enzymes sugars   Fatty acids antioxidants linen saponins antiseptic 
agents such as salicylic acid and amino acids aloe   Vera gel has healing anti-inflammatory antiseptic 
anti-aging anti-acne hydrating and protecting   Properties on the skin in addition to that it 
softens and protects the hair in the caribbean   We use it traditionally as a natural shampoo or 
hair mask you can use it as a prepo treatment   Natural detangler leave-in or natural gel 
to lay down your hair and define your curls Now i remove the gel from all the aloe vera 
leaf pieces with a spoon and put it into a   Bowl you can use a knife to remove the gel but i 
found that the use of a spoon is more practical Do   Do   Here is all the gel i collected from the 
leaves if you don’t have any blender or   Mixer you can mix or squeeze it with your 
hands for several minutes to extract the   Gel then put it into a strainer or filter bag 
to separate the gel from the aloe vera pieces   However today i’m gonna use a blender to make 
things easier and extract as much gel as possible  

So now i toss all the aloe vera gel in my 
blender and i blend until i get a smooth gel Then i pour the gel into my filter bag squeeze 
it gently and extract as much gel as possible Here are the residues left in the filter bag To finish i put my gel in my applicator Bottles I also put some of the gel 
in an ice cube tray so that   I can have little samples of aloe vera 
gel to use on my face or on my scalp If you want to store the gel 
without it losing its properties   You can put it in your freezer 
until you’re ready to use it A few months later that’s how my applicator 
bottles with frozen aloe vera gel look like   Let the gel melt at room temperature If you want to speed up the defrosting process 
you can put your applicator bottles in a bowl   With warm water here my gel is partially melted 
i’m showing you how the texture looks like   Have you already tried aloe vera gel on your 
skin and hair i would love to know how often   You use it and what your results are so far 
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