"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules
How to Make Aloe Vera Juice at Home is the best source of aloe vera juice to give you the benefits of aloe vera juice for your hair. Aloe vera juice can help hair growth and soften your hair. What is Aloe Vera? Aloe Vera is an Humectant that draws moisture from the atmosphere into your hair.
To make your DIY Aloe Vera Juice, you will need
1. 1 Thick Aloe Vera Leaf
2. A bowl, strainer, knife and spoon
3. A blender., This is what I use
4. A spray bottle
5. A funnel
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#NaturalHair #AloeVera #AloeVeraJuice
Hey everyone welcome to the Chinese so I Usually go and I buy a la Vera juice From my local store and or I get it Online but today I want to show you how You can make it on make it yourself at Home [Music] So I already have my aloe vera live and I get this from my grocery store they've Already removed the yellow sap that Comes out so if you still have yours From if you plug just from a plant Make sure to drain this first before you Use it and then cut out the part that Remove them add the yellow stuff because That yellow stuff will eat you it widget Wrote if you drink it so this is what it Looks like when you have cut part of it Off this is what the thickness is you Want to find an aloe vera leaf that is Quite thick so that you can get the most Juice out of it and when you cut into Strips it's very transparent translucent Is that we call it so let's start doing This so I'm gonna show you what we do so After you've cut this off in a small Piece you want to cut on the side to Remove the prickly site from it now you Know I like things easy so what you want To do is you want to cut this in half Don't worry if it's not proportionally Act but just cut it in half and by also Cutting off the side it makes it easy to Cut off and it exposes this inner
Feeling so this is the inner gel feel it Or feeling so what you do is you get Your spoon very easily and then you Scrape it or you scoop it out by doing This you are not introducing the back End and this makes it easy for you to Use now when you use a knife it can be Quite dangerous because you can easily Cut yourself so just use a spoon and Scoop everything out I sell fast that is So you see we've scooped out all the Stuff let's remove this and I'm gonna Continue scooping out everything like This see how this spoon does a good job At doing it instead of using a knife and See after I scooped out [Music] So now you can see I've already scraped Out everything you can't see anything Green in there because I use the spoon That's why you use a spoon I'm going to Be using my blender my blender this is The Kitchen Aid blender and it's a good Set and it has a setting of liquify and That is why I love this blender because I can turn things into liquid water and That's what we won't want this juice to Be in water form so what you do is we're Gonna take this and we're gonna pour our Aloe vera into the blender and blend it In liquefied modes so I've blended it For about one to one and a half minutes Because I want it to be really well Blended next you take your ball and you
Want a fine strainer if you don't have a Fine strainer you can use up any holes Or something maybe a likes trousers Socks or that you've never won before so That you can strain off any particles From it so now this is what it looks Like when we pour it it's as a foamy Look to it the way you strain it out It's as a watery consistency So I don't usually match it up like you Something to push it down because that Can also push in the particles any Particles left over so just gently shake It and please note that by shaking it You're not losing any ain't no trench You're not losing any nutritious values If you consume this so now I've strained Everything off this is the part you Don't want especially if you're gonna be Using this in your hair this can leave Some sort of particles in your hair if You use it and by introducing this part This turns this aloe vera into a gel so We don't want this because this is Actually like the jelly part of the aloe Vera this is my aloe vera juice and you Can take this and you can consume it but Please if you're gonna consume it use a Little bit at a time because for some People if their body is not used to Consuming aloe vera they can't get Irritated so be careful about that so This is my spray bottle we're gonna be Using this for my hair and for my
Children's here and I have this bottle For now link to all the information all The things that I'm using and Description area so this formula makes It easy for me to transfer the aloe vera Into the bottle and there is your aloe Vera juice now I'm gonna show you coming Up next I'll show you how I use this Already juice I prefer this aloe vera Juice when I do find the plan because This our vera juice is 100% aloe vera Versus this one that is 99.8 peel aloe Vera well if you look at the ingredients Area the imminence area right here says Organic aloe vera gel water and aloe Vera gel concentrate citric acid sodium Benzoate which is a food preservative This one here I'm not preserving it if You want to store it you can store it in The fridge and We'll say use up within two weeks 14 Days you can also freeze it and use up Within that time if you want to add Preservative so this you can add Preservatives but do your research on What type of preservatives this I'm Going to be using this amount will last Me and my two daughters it will last us A week so seven days usage and this is What it looks like when you spray it out You can see it sprays out in water is Not a gel so next I'm gonna show you how I use it so make sure you come back and Watch the following video that will show
You how to use these elaborate juice in Your hair thank you so much for watching After you enjoy this video and see Another video thanks for watching bye