"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules

“STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ANTI-DEPRESSANTS… To get the FACTS on exactly how to get rid of depression 100% naturally and eliminate your feelings of sadness and hopelessness without spending your hard-earned time and money on drugs…”
This simple solution is being enjoyed by thousands of women and men across the country to “disappear” the dark cloud of stress and anxiety hanging over their heads.
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Taking out my 8 weeks old corn rows after using aloe vera. I really messed up this time WARNING
Hi Family
In today’s video, I will be showing you 3 more ways to use homemade Aloe Vera gel and aloe vera oil for massive hair growth. this video is an update to one I did before. This will help you grow your hair longer, faster, and healthier. Make sure to watch till the end. I hope this video helps you. AS ALWAYS, PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE. SEE YOU IN THE NEXT ONE.
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Mercy GONO
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Mercy GONO
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[Music] Hi Family and welcome back to the channel Thank you so much for coming back in Today’s video I’m going to be showing you three ways To use aloe vera For massive hair growth a while back i Actually did a rice water video And i said if the video gets to 5 000 Likes I’m going to make the aloe vera version Of that video and guess what The video did get over 5000 likes so Here we are With the aloe vera version of the video So without further ado let’s get into it So family this is my hair [Music] All right don’t let the shrinkage fool You because my hair is like the queen Of shrinkage i actually did a braid out A few days ago and i actually Had it in for about i want to say a week And then my hair started to shrink Shrink shrink and here we are the first Way that i use Aloe vera is to detangle my hair Especially when it’s in this state when My hair is in this state it has a lot of Tangles and a lot of kinks that i have To comb through and i can Never not ever take a comb to my hair When it looks like this
I have to find a good product to Detangle it and since we’re on a natural Hair journey I try my best to limit products that Have chemicals in them So i try to use as many natural products As possible So because of that instead of using a Store but Detangler i’m just gonna make my own Detangler with aloe vera Juice so the first way that i use aloe Vera For massive hair growth is to use it as A detangler Okay so what we’re gonna need is a fresh Aloe vera leaf Like this one and then we’re going to Rinse it off with some warm water To get all the dirt off and also to get The label off After that we’re going to transfer it to Our cutting board Cut off all the sharp edges and then cut Our Aloe vera into small pieces after that We’re going to take the same Pieces and split them into two after That we’re going to use a Bowl and a spoon to scoop out Our aloe vera you don’t have to use a Clear bowl for this The only reason i’m using it is because I want you guys to see exactly what i’m
Doing You can use whatever bowl or spoon you Have Doesn’t have to be clear doesn’t have to Be glass After that i’m just going to use my Hands to squeeze the aloe vera To get all the juice out I would normally strain it and transfer It to a spray bottle But this time i’m just going to use my Hands To apply my aloe vera all right family So i did go ahead and section my hair Off into two big sections so i’m gonna Go ahead and start off with this section I’m gonna take my hair clip out i’m Gonna open up my section I’m just gonna grab a towel and put it On my shoulder I’m going to take it and i’m going to Apply it to my hair I’m going to rub it into my scalp making Sure that we cover Every part of my hair then i’m going to Take my afro pet comb And try to comb through it [Music] So then i’m going to take my detangling Brush and start to detangle [Music] Twist it up like that and move on to This one [Music]
All right same process i’m going to go Ahead and twist this one Up [Music] And move on to this side alright family So both sides are done And that is how i use aloe vera to Detangle my hair so the next step Is going to be pre-poo So the way that i do this is i grab the Rest of my aloe vera or you can make More So this is the rest of it so i’m just Going to grab That and rub it on my hair again because When i was detangling i might have Combed out a lot of the Aloe vera out of my hair or maybe my Hair got dry Along the way but this method is going To put the aloe vera back in your hair To um let it do the pre-pulling So yes i’m just going to go ahead and Rub it all over my hair All over my scalp i’m going to do the Other side [Music] And then once that’s done i’m going to Grab a Cap now this is a shower cap but it Looks like a bonnet I’ve already done a video on this so if You haven’t seen that i can try to link It as well
So you can get all the info on this but Anyways i’m just going to use this To cover my hair So some of the questions i get from you Guys is can you keep the aloe vera in Your hair Overnight the answer to that is yes it Does have a funny smell and it also Itches a little bit Also it’s kind of messy and that is why I go for a shower cap like this But if you have something like this you Can just put it on or you can use a Regular plastic bag or put a bonnet or a Hair wrap on your hair Before you go to sleep but yes you can Keep this in overnight For me i’m gonna go ahead and keep this In for about an hour and then i’m gonna Go ahead and wash my hair And show you the third way that i used Aloe vera for massive hair growth All right so time to wash our hair Anyways i’m just gonna be taking these Twists out To wash my hair I normally leave them twisted or braided Up just to make the washing process Easy but today as you can see my hair is Super dirty and i just wanted to take Them out to really get to my roots So for today’s wash routine i’m going to Be using my Set of function of beauty products and
I’m going to talk to you guys about These products In an upcoming video so first i’m just Using the shampoo on my hair To clean my hair and my scalp [Music] And then i’m going to use the Conditioner [Music] After that just to make the drying Process easy I’m just going to go ahead and braid my Hair into three Big parts [Music] So this is the third most important way That i use my aloe vera to help my hair Grow and i know i said most Important way because to me this is the Way that i’m able to moisturize And oil my scalp and my hair to help it Grow And the reason i like this part is Because first of all i make the oils Myself and i know exactly what’s in it And secondly because this is going to be In my hair for a long time I want to make sure that it is all Natural products with that said Let’s go make the oil and then we’ll Come back Okay so in order to make your aloe vera Oil these are the ingredients you’re Going to need
So first you need a fresh leaf of aloe Vera Your second ingredient is coconut oil Organic coconut oil you can use Any brand as long as it is organic the Next ingredient you’re going to need Is extra virgin olive oil now this Ingredient is optional but i choose to Use this because it works for me So first let’s prepare the aloe vera so What i’m going to do is i’m going to Take the label off And then i’m going to rinse off the aloe Vera and then cut off the sharp edges This portion is also filled with a lot Of nutrients Vitamins antioxidants and other great Properties to help improve your hair Growth So first we’re going to rinse it off [Music] And then next i’m going to cut this Portion off because it doesn’t have as Much Juice as this part [Music] Okay then next i’m going to cut my aloe Vera into little pieces [Music] Okay so to make our aloe vera oil i’m Gonna add a little bit of Extra virgin olive oil And then i’m gonna add about a spoonful Of coconut oil
Organic [Music] I’m gonna mix it up And then i’m gonna add my fresh pieces Of aloe vera [Music] What i’m gonna do is i’m going to let it Sit here for about 10 minutes On medium heat until it’s completely Brown [Music] And then i’m going to take it off the Burner let it cool off And then transfer it into a cup alright Family so we are back Our oil is made and this is it right Here All right so this thing is super full so I don’t want to spill it so i’m just Going to hold it close to me and talk to You guys about it the reason i love this Is because I made it i know exactly what’s in it And i know that it works it works Like crazy ever since i started making My own mix of oils That literally changed my hair game Forever because Not only are the ingredients clean and Pure they’re also All natural and i love love that so i Actually made a video about this about i Want to say seven months ago That was probably my first video that
Went viral You guys love love love that video i Don’t know why i haven’t made another One after that but anyways the videos Out there i’ll try to link it for those Of you guys who haven’t seen it and if You haven’t seen it You’re missing houses this is the stuff If you guys want to buy these from me Go ahead and comment down below a lot of You guys have been asking me to sell These and i’m thinking about it So if you think you’ll be interested in This go ahead and comment natural oils Down below so my hair is already washed And it’s clean so all i’m gonna do is I’m gonna take these braids out i’m Going to moisturize and all my scalp And my hair and then i’m going to braid It and use it as my protective style for The next few weeks So let’s get started so i did let my Hair air dry so i want to say it’s about 95 Dry which is fine because i want it to Be a little wet when i take these braids Out And braid it so you guys know that when I take my braids out i like to take a Little bit of oil Like that and i like to rub it on my Hair Before i start to take it out So braid number one is out i’m just
Going to go ahead and take out the rest Of them So what i’m going to do is i’m just Going to go ahead and braid it so for That i’m going to be using this rat tail Comb I’m also going to be using a leave-in Conditioner and then i’m going to be Using my oils so for my protective style I’m just going to go ahead and do four Big braids So i’m going to take a little bit of oil And apply it to my scalp And then i’ll take a little more and Apply it to the Rest of my hair and i’m going to pay Special attention to the ends And then just to help seal the moisture I’m going to apply some leave-in Conditioner [Music] I’m going to take a wide tooth comb comb From the bottom Alright then i’m going to braid [Music] All right family so my braids are done So this is what the back of my hair Looks like All my braids are connected that is how I like to do it That way when i put my wigs on they look Nice and flat without any bump and if i Do have a bump it’s going to be in the Back which is fine
All right family that is it for the Video thank you so much for watching If you did like the video please go Ahead and give it a big thumbs up If you haven’t already please go ahead And hit the subscribe button And also share the video with all your Friends and family Thank you all again so much for all your Love and support And i’ll see you all in my next one bye