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How To Make Aloe vera Soap at Home using Aloe vera whole leaf.
This video shows how to make Aloe vera soap from a whole leaf with only 3 Ingredients.
In soap making, specially for beginners, you should know how to handle lye.
Lye is caustic and has to be handled carefully. Fear of lye is common among beginners in soap making. After you make your first batch of soap, you will realize that working with lye isn’t at all scary.
When working with lye, always wear gloves and protective goggles. The lye water solution, and raw soap batter, is caustic and can burn you. Rubber gloves and protective eye goggles are a necessity.
Goggles will protect your eyes from splatters during mixing of the soap.
Always pour Sodium Hydroxide into water, Never the other way around.
Don’t use aluminum pots and utensils.
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The beautiful music in the background is from Roa Music
Music : Roa – No Regrets
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Hi guys danny here today i will make a soap
made from a whole aloe vera leaf But this time i will not filter the pureed leaf to get the juice Similar to what i did in the previous soaping
video i posted In this video i will make a soap from a pureed leaf of aloe vera I only do this with the young aloe vera chinensis leaves Because their leaf rinds are still thin
and it is easy to make a puree out of it The mature aloe vera chinensis has thicker leaf rind And it is difficult to make a puree out of it Also i don’t have a special blender to do it I also don’t do this with the barbadensis variety Because both young and mature barbadensis have thick leaf rinds Even though i said whole leaf i still
remove the spikes from the leaves I just want to make sure that they will not end up
in the final soap and may eventually hurt someone using it I also make sure to soak the leaves
in water in every part of the cleaning process From cleaning the spikes to the
cutting of the leaves into small pieces Soaking the leaves will help remove the latex
that is found between the gel and the rind of the leaves It is also good to wash it in
flowing water but you can skip this part I use a good blender that can make a
puree out of these cut aloe vera leaves After blending i set it aside for a few minutes To let the foam disappear or else
i will just be freezing bubbles Now let’s start making the soap if you
want to make a soap make sure you have These minimum protection a pair of gloves
and safety goggles to protect your eyes Also please read in the description below a short
guide on how to handle lye or sodium hydroxide Weigh 170 grams frozen aloe vera and
then add 73 grams of sodium hydroxide Mix until sodium hydroxide is totally melted Unlike mixing it with pure
gel you cannot clearly see If the sodium hydroxide is totally
melted in pureed aloe vera leaves Usually i set it aside for a few minutes Just to make sure all the sodium
hydroxide flakes are melted Add the aloe vera sodium hydroxide
mixture into the 400 grams of coconut oil Mix until it is completely saponified This will take long if you just
use a spatula but it can be done If you use a stick blender or a hand mixer This will only take about two to
three minutes five minutes the longest
But because i am using a spatula
this will take about an hour I will not be mixing for one hour I will just mix this for one to two minutes And let it rest for three to five minutes and then i come back
and mix it again for about a minute or two And let it rest again for three to five minutes I will be doing the cycle of one to two minutes mixing and three to 5 minutes rest until the mixture has saponified If you want to add fragrance to the soap,
add it when the mixture has reached this thickness The aloe vera pulp are already suspended
in the mixture and are not sinking at the bottom Now this mixture is ready to be poured in the mold In my first soaping video i used a
disposable plastic container as a soap mold This time i will use a mold
made of used corrugated box I just lined it with plastic You don’t have to
buy expensive silicone molds Just use whatever is available at home For a small batch like this,
it will only take about 4 hours to harden The bigger the batch the longer
time it will take to harden At this stage it is also easy
to cut the soap using a knife So, this is the final soap
you can see speckles of green But later they will be gone and the soap
will just be plain beige without speckles I hope you learned something from the video Thank you very much for watching