"Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe - Big 12oz - HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented - For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief"
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement - 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan - Aloin-Free - Gut Health & Immune Support - 60 Capsules

“Organic Aloe Vera Gel from freshly cut 100% Pure Aloe – Big 12oz – HighestQuality, Texas grown, Vegan, Unscented – For Face, Skin, Hair, Sunburn relief”
Global Healing Aloe Vera Bio-Active Organic Leaf Supplement – 200x Concentrate Formula with Highest Concentration of Acemannan – Aloin-Free – Gut Health & Immune Support – 60 Capsules
Aloe Vera is cardioprotective. It reduces cholesterol, triglycerides, and lowers glucose levels. The L-Arginine (amino acid) in Aloe Vera increases nitric oxide helping the arteries expand and increasing more oxygen to the cells of your body.
Aloe Vera is believed to open up your capillaries and improve arterial walls. This means that your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to circulate blood through the body, and less stress on your heart means a healthier you.
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If you want to stay healthy you need to Listen to this whole video Aloe vera we know what aloe vera can do While there are so many different things From healing our wounds to helping our Stomach our digestion our skin our acne Our wrinkles Wow and what about your heart Your cardiovascular system your arteries That’s pumping that oxygenated blood to All the cells throughout your body well Guess what You’re looking at something miraculous Something that has healing medicinal Properties that can help your heart Lower your blood pressure lower your Cholesterol your triglycerides and do Wonderful things for you let me explain More aloe vera is just filled with Vitamins and minerals and enzymes and Amino acids and lipids as well as Organic compounds and cardiovascular Disease is number one in the list Worldwide from clogged arteries Bad cholesterol or ldls or low density Lipoproteins what about high Triglycerides Well aloe vera can lower your Triglycerides as well as your bad Cholesterol it’s the bad cholesterol That starts to plaque as well as other Things that start to plaque along with It when there becomes inflammation in The body well aloe vera reduces
Inflammation not only in the arteries But it affects every single organ Throughout your entire body and clogging Or plaquing those arteries is something That we need to be aware of because this Happens over a longer period of time and We have no symptoms But aloe vera increases our hdls our High density lipoproteins and the Function of these hdls is to go into the Arteries and search for those bad Cholesterol or ldls and bring it back to The liver so it can be excreted from our Body and what’s quite exciting is that Aloe vera contains glucomen and Glucamine is a soluble fiber it’s a Fiber that absorbs fluids absorbs water It starts to swell Like chia seeds that is a soluble fiber As well so when glucomanin starts to Swell from inside the aloe vera plant It slows down digestion it slows the Absorption of glucose into the cells it Takes stress off the pancreas where it Becomes more insulin sensitive and aloe Vera helps increase elasticity of the Arteries aloe vera has L-Arginine now Arginine then converts into nitric oxide Nitric oxide causes vasodilation of the Arteries The Wider it gets the more Blood can get through the less stress on The heart Therefore blood pressure will go down It also allows more increased capillary
Flow more oxygen in the capillaries in The cells throughout our body which is Going to keep you healthier and aloe Vera can help reduce and reverse insulin Resistance it will make you more insulin Sensitive and since aloe vera helps Reduce that sludge blood and boost Circulation to the extremities and this Potentially can help many people who’s Suffering from peripheral neuropathy Where your hands and feet are going numb And there’s nothing like the aloe vera Plant when it comes to reducing Inflammation throughout our entire body That means our joints our knees our Shoulders our hips that if you’re having Chronic pain this can do wonders for you If you look closely in here That’s the aloe vera inside the plant You’ll actually cut about an inch off Around all the way around taken off the Covering taking the aloe vera eating it Right by itself putting it in a smoothie Or some type of juice whatever works for You And taking this first thing in the Morning about 15 minutes to a half hour Before your first meal this can do Wonderful things not only for your Cardiovascular system but for your Entire body and what’s critical that in Order to keep these arteries healthy you Must give up those processed and refined Foods those processed and refined sugars
All those excess whites those flowers Get on a normal healthy diet fruits and Vegetables whole grains your lentils Your nuts your seeds you need that fiber Fiber helps cleanse the body and will Give you lots of satiety I hope you Found this video helpful please share it With your friends and family and I Challenge you get on your aloe and Watch What Happens make it a great day I’m Dr Alan Mandel